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Sharon Lewin was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences

Sharon Lewin was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences


University of Melbourne Laureate Professor Sharon Lewin, Director of the Doherty Institute, has been elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences.

Announced on Thursday, May 25, 2023, the prestigious honor was also awarded to 19 researchers and other scientists recognized for their outstanding contributions to science.

Professor Lewin said she was proud to join the Academy as a Fellow and reflected on the importance of science to society.

“I am incredibly proud and excited to be announced as a Fellow joining other inspiring Fellows who have made a tangible difference to the understanding and support for science,” Professor Lewin said.

“Science is essential for us as a society. Understanding how the world works is key to our survival and ability to thrive.

“My scientific career has been in medical research, and science is what drives our advances in medicine – it gives us new treatments, new vaccines, new technical devices. Many of the transformative changes in health that we enjoy today began with a blue-sky idea within basic science.”

The president of Australian Academy of Sciences Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC congratulated the new members for their outstanding work in advancing knowledge in their fields of research.

“Fellows of the Australian Academy of Sciences are among the country’s most distinguished scientists, chosen by their peers for innovative research and contributions that have had a clear impact,” Professor Jagadish said.

“There is no greater professional honor than to be recognized by your peers and leaders in your field of research for your achievements.

“This year’s new Fellows come from countries including Germany, China, India and Italy and all now call Australia home.”

The new members of the Academy elected in 2023 are:

  • Professor Sharon Lewin AO FAA FAAHMS, Infectious Disease Physician and Virologist, University of Melbourne, Doherty Institute

  • Professor Timothy Brodribb FAA, evolutionary plant physiologist, University of Tasmania

  • Professor Liming Dai FAA, Materials Scientist, UNSW Sydney

  • Professor Mariapia Degli-Esposti FAA, Immunologist, Monash University

  • Professor Michael Fuhrer FAA, materials physicist, Monash University

  • Professor Zaiping Guo FAA, Materials Scientist, University of Adelaide

  • Professor Elaine Holmes FAA, Computational Biologist, Murdoch University

  • Professor David Keith FAA, Ecologist and Conservation Biologist, UNSW Sydney

  • Professor David Commander FAA, Biochemist and Structural Biologist, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

  • Professor Jian Li FAA, Antimicrobial Pharmacologist, Monash University

  • The Honorable Professor Belinda Medlyn FAA, Ecologist, Western Sydney University

  • Professor Louis-Noel Moresi FAA, Computational Geophysicist, Australian National University

  • Professor Richard James Payne FAA, Chemical Biologist, University of Sydney

  • Professor Shizhang Qiao FAA, Materials Scientist, University of Adelaide

  • Professor Pankaj Sah FAA FAHMS Neuroscientist, Queensland Brain Institute

  • Honorable Professor Brajesh Singh FAA, Soil Ecologist, University of Western Sydney

  • Professor Peter Taylor FAA, Applied Mathematician, University of Melbourne

  • Professor Leslie Weston FAA, plant biologist and biochemist, Charles Sturt University

  • Professor Andrew Wilks FAA FTSE FAHMS, Molecular Biologist, SYNthesis Pharm

  • Honorable Professor Xinghuo Yu FAA, Electrical Engineer, RMIT University

Established almost 70 years ago, the Australian Academy of Sciences is a Fellowship of more than 520 of the nation’s top scientists living and working in Australia and around the world. The Academy provides independent, authoritative and influential scientific advice, promotes international scientific engagement, builds public awareness and understanding of science, and promotes, celebrates and supports excellence in Australian science.




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