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Gunman surrenders, releases 13 hostages after Ukrainian president approves Joaquin Phoenix film


An unstable gunman who caught more than a dozen hostages on a long-distance bus in the western Ukrainian city of Lutsk was arrested late Tuesday after a blockade that lasted more than 12 hours and all hostages were released. unharmed, officials said.

The attacker agreed to release the hostages after a 15-minute phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Zelenskiy Deputy Chief of Staff Kyrylo Tymoshenko told reporters.

Shortly after the call, Zelenskiy posted a short video message on his Facebook page urging Ukrainians to watch Earthlings, a 2005 American documentary that exposed the cruel exploitation of animal humanity as the hostage-taker had wanted.

A few minutes later, the attacker got off the bus and turned himself in to police. Authorities said all 13 hostages he held were released and no one was injured.

Earlier, after talks with the first deputy head of the national police, Yevhen Koval, the man had released three of the hostages, including a pregnant woman. At one point during the conversation, he fired his gun through the window of the bus and a bullet was missing from Koval, who also brought water for the hostages.

After the drama ended, Zelenskiy greeted the hostage-taking law enforcement officers.

Human life is the most important value, he said on Facebook. Now families can finally embrace their relatives who spent the whole day on the bus in distress.

Speaking to reporters, Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov described the attacker as “an unstable man who painted his vision for the world and invented revenge for it.

He had his vision for justice and the value of human life, Avakov said.

Ukrainian media said the man was an animal rights activist who helped protect stray dogs.

As the hostage drama unfolds, police closed the center of Lutsk, 400 kilometers (250 miles) west of the capital Kyiv. At one point, the attacker threw explosives out of a bus window, but no one was injured. He also fired several shots at a police drone.

The man himself called police at 9:25 a.m. after taking control of the vehicle and introducing himself as Maxim Plokhoy, Deputy Interior Minister Anton Gerashchenko said on Facebook.

According to Gerashchenko, police have identified the man as Maksim Krivosh, a 44-year-old Russian-born Ukrainian. Krivosh was reportedly twice convicted of a wide range of charges of robbery, fraud, illegal arms handling and spent a total of 10 years behind bars.

According to reports, Krivosh tried to get in front of reporters through their hostages and phones, demanding that they spread the word about his demands and get more reporters to reach the stage.

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