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Japan, Republic of Korea, US Navy partner in trilateral naval exercise > United States Navy > News

Japan, Republic of Korea, US Navy partner in trilateral naval exercise > United States Navy > News
Japan, Republic of Korea, US Navy partner in trilateral naval exercise > United States Navy > News


Participating ships include the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Russell (DDG 59), USS Daniel Inouye (DDG 118), and USS Howard (DDG 83); Murasame-class destroyer JS Ariake (DD-109) of the JMSDF; ROKS Seoae Ryu Seong-ryong (DDG 993) large-class guided-missile destroyer Sejong of the ROKN.

During the 2-day activity, the three navies sailed together, conducted advanced maritime communications operations, naval interdiction operations exercises, air warfare exercises, personnel exchanges and integration. Allied forces last trained together in January 2024.

“Trilateral exercises like this demonstrate our ability to integrate and operate with our allies. Together, the US Navy, the ROK and the JMSDF are ready to respond to any emergency,” said Adm. Christopher Alexander, commander, CSG-9. “We are all committed to joint maritime security and an Indo-Pacific free and open.”

The US Navy regularly conducts exercises like these to strengthen ties between allied and partner nations.

“This exercise was an excellent opportunity to enhance our capabilities to respond to North Korea's nuclear and WMD threats and to provide humanitarian support to ships in distress through close cooperation between the participating forces of the three nations.” said Captain Baek Jun-cheol, commanding officer of ROKS Seoae Ryu Seong-ryong.

In August 2023, at the Camp David Summit, the three countries agreed to trilateral multi-domain exercises on a regular basis to enhance our coordinated capabilities and cooperation, a commitment to pursue enhanced ballistic missile defense cooperation to countering the KPRK's nuclear and missile threats and deepening our security partnership. These exercises also enhance joint readiness and capabilities and support peace and stability in the region. The event took place in accordance with international law in international waters.

“Through this trilateral exercise, we were able to strengthen our cooperation with the US Navy and the ROK Navy. The exercise also promoted cooperation between the three countries to address security challenges in the Indo-Pacific region and demonstrated the commitment of the three countries to protect common security and prosperity, as well as maintain a rules-based international order,” said 5th Escort Division Commander Capt. GOTO Masahiro.

This year marks over 70 years of U.S. partnership with the Republic of Korea, marked by their 1953 Mutual Defense Treaty, as well as the U.S. partnership with Japan since the 1951 Security Treaty between the U.S. and Japan.

“Everything we do is about maintaining deterrence and making sure the seas remain free and open.” said captain Brian Shrum. All this is achieved through the cooperation and strength of our combined allied forces.

CSG-9 departed San Diego for a regularly scheduled deployment to the Western Pacific on 12 January. Since entering the US 7th Fleet area of ​​operations, the strike group participated in the Multi-Large Deck Event with the Carl Vinson Strike Group and the JMSDF and conducted port calls to Guam and the Republic of Singapore.

CSG-9 is a multiplatform team of ships and aircraft capable of performing a wide variety of missions around the globe, from combat missions to humanitarian assistance and disaster response. The strike group consists of CSG-9 staff, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 23 staff, USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN) 71, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 11, and DESRON 23 ships; Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Russell (DDG 59) and USS Daniel K. Inouye (DDG118).

The US 7th Fleet is the US Navy's largest forward-deployed fleet and routinely interacts and operates with allies and partners to maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

For more information about Carrier Strike Group Nine, please visit:





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