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World News In Brief: UN staff arrested in Yemen, cyclone threat to Haiti, Lao PDR rights chief, climate change

World News In Brief: UN staff arrested in Yemen, cyclone threat to Haiti, Lao PDR rights chief, climate change


We are very concerned about these developments and we are actively seeking clarifications from the de facto Houthi authorities regarding the circumstances of these detentions and most importantly to ensure the immediate access of UN personnel, said Mr. Dujarric.

Of the arrested, two are women and nine are men. Six work for the UN human rights office (OHCHR), with five others working for various UN agencies and the Office of the UN Special Envoy in Yemen, said Mr. Dujarric.

Militants from the Houthi movement control much of Yemen, including the capital, and in recent months have attacked ships in the Red Sea in response to Israel's military offensive in Gaza.

Mr. Dujarric assured that the UN is pursuing all available channels to ensure the safe and unconditional release of all as soon as possible.

Tornado strike in Haiti could signal a devastating cyclone season, UNICEF warns

Thousands of children and their families could be pushed into poverty in Haiti, adding to the chaos of gang violence and a collapsing health system, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) warned on Friday.

The National Emergency Operations Center has declared a hyperactive cyclone season, with 23 phenomena, 11 of which could develop into hurricanes, expected from June to the end of November.

The first tornado of the season already hit Bassin Bleu, in the northwest country, on May 21, signaling the start of several potentially devastating months ahead.

According to Haitian authorities, 112 people, including 29 children, were injured in the disaster. Approximately 4,350 people, including 650 children, lost their homes.

With every cyclone, every tornado, every flood, children will lose their homes, their livelihoods, their lives, and the season has barely begun, said Bruno Maes, UNICEF Representative in Haiti.

We support children after every disaster, but support from the international community is essential for us to increase our preparedness and response capabilities for worst-case scenarios.

UNICEF and partners are supporting affected families in Bassin Bleu to recover. The agency and national partners are distributing cash assistance to the 300 most vulnerable affected families.

Volker Trk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.  (files)

Volker Trk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. (files)

First ever visit by a UN human rights chief to the Lao People's Democratic Republic

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Trk visited the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) on Friday, marking the first ever visit by a UN rights chief to the Southeast Asian country.

While there, he discussed the progress Lao PDR has made in advancing the human rights of their citizens.

Mr. Trk stated that by ratifying seven of the nine main international human rights treaties, the country has signaled its commitment to adhere to a human rights roadmap.

However, Mr. Trk was also sure to highlight some key challenges facing the country, particularly rising public debt.

A major challenge for the Lao PDR is public debt. Let me be clear: debt is a human rights issue, he said.

Human rights lens

With more than half of the world's poorest countries in or near full debt distress, Mr. Trk called for international financial institutions to work with a human rights lens, calling it an urgent priority.

He emphasized the dangers of falling public spending on social services and the need for human rights to play a role in budget allocations.

If a country does not invest enough in education, health, equality and other essentials, it will result in a cascade of problems in society, the UN human rights chief said.

High levels of child marriage and low participation of women in decision-making were also cited as areas for improvement in the Lao PDR.

In light of these challenges, Mr. Trk expressed the hope that his visit heralds the deepening of our cooperation in the promotion and protection of human rights for all people in the country, but also in the region.

Climate change is exacerbating the intensity and frequency of droughts.

Climate change is exacerbating the intensity and frequency of droughts.

Climate change affects the health of pregnant women, children, the elderly: WHO

The climate crisis is a global health crisis, the World Health Organization (UN) said.WHO) said Friday as he urged governments everywhere to consider how to protect people from the worst impacts of our planet's warming.

To help convince health authorities that the climate emergency should not be ignored, the WHO released new data on the impact of climate change on key life stages.

This included threats from air pollution, fires, floods and extreme heat.

Taking extreme heat as an example, the WHO said premature births increase during heat waves, while the elderly are more likely to suffer heart attacks or respiratory problems.

Indirect factors

Indirect impacts on human health from climate change include reduced crop production and food shortages, increased vector-borne diseases and greater stress affecting mental health, the UN health agency also noted.

Among the solutions to help mitigate the threat posed by our warming world, the WHO suggested flexible working hours and the modification of buildings for childcare, education and health care, with an emphasis on reducing emissions.

Governments should also focus on working with communities and sharing knowledge about what to do during heat waves or other climate emergencies, the UN health agency added, including issuing public health messages during peak air pollution. , so that people can protect themselves, or train health workers. to recognize heat stress.




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