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Pacific International Lines launches PIL Academy

Pacific International Lines launches PIL Academy


Pacific International Lines (PIL) has established the PIL Academy, a center of excellence for learning and development, which aims to provide comprehensive training in maritime and transport logistics to all its employees.

The aim of the academy is to improve workforce skills and future-proof careers. It will collaborate with organizations and technology partners to create a holistic curriculum containing accredited courses that will benefit both the company and the industry.

The PIL Academy was officially launched by Chee Hong Tat, Minister of Transport and Second Minister of Finance of Singapore, who served as the Guest of Honour, along with PILs Executive Chairman SS Teo and CEO Lars Kastrup.

Singapore aims to be a global hub for developing maritime talent, leveraging our strong tripartite partnership between government, industry and unions. As the global maritime industry embraces new challenges such as digitization and decarbonisation, Maritime Singapore must continue to upgrade and reskill our workforce so that workers can remain relevant and competitive. The PIL Academy is an important step forward in achieving Singapore Maritime's goal of developing a future-ready workforce,” said Minister Chee.

As the 12th largest shipping carrier globally and Southeast Asia's largest domestic production line, PIL employs approximately 8,000 individuals, including 4,000 seafarers worldwide. PIL Academy aims to provide structured and personalized training to all employees, taking into account their different backgrounds and different training needs.

The company expects this initiative to enhance PIL's long-term capabilities and contribute to the overall growth of industry competencies.

The academy offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes technical courses in fleet and ship operations, safety, quality and productivity, maritime finance and commercial skills, as well as sustainability and decarbonisation. Additionally, it covers softer skills such as leadership, innovation and communication.

“The PIL Academy is part of our people-centric and future-focused commitment to invest in the training and development of our employees. PIL is focused on the upskilling, career development and international mobility of our employees, as well as in supporting the sea in -career advancement”, commented Lars Kastrup, CEO of PIL.

To launch its initiatives, the PIL Academy has signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) aimed at enhancing workforce skills, fostering maritime cooperation and developing training expertise. In an innovative move, PIL signed an MoU with the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) to jointly create micro-credentials for the Competency-based Stackable Micro-credential (CSM) pathway for PIL employees.

This partnership allows participants to choose specialist certificates that match their current professional development needs and potentially stack them towards a degree or higher qualification. Together, PIL Academy and SIT will develop micro-credentials related to the maritime industry and offer continuing education programs and on-the-job learning projects.

This collaboration represents an important opportunity to address the evolving needs of the Maritime sector. Driven by rapid technological advances, digital transformation and the industry's focus on sustainability, the demand for sustainable skills for the future is growing rapidly. By partnering with PIL, we can develop and deliver micro-credentials and courses relevant to workforce needs to equip them with the latest knowledge and skills to thrive in this dynamic landscape. This MoU underscores SIT's commitment to industry collaboration and knowledge co-creation, ultimately contributing to a future-ready maritime workforce in Singapore and the region,” said Professor Chua Kee Chaing, President at SIT.

To leverage digital learning, PIL Academy is also partnering with JobKred, a skill management software company, to automate skill planning, talent agility and skill placement. This technology-based learning approach allows employees the flexibility to learn at their own pace while managing work commitments.

In addition, PIL Academy will offer bespoke degrees in maritime studies through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Maritime Training Academy, an international leader in distance learning maritime degrees. This collaboration will offer students a diverse portfolio of maritime short courses developed by experts in the field.

We aim to provide a smart learning environment and foster a learning culture that excites employees in developing their skills. Our systematic approach will enable employees to have a common base of skills and knowledge, which helps ensure consistent, high-quality performance across the company. In addition, the academy offers a number of avenues for our staff to enhance their careers and excel in the shipping and logistics sectors,” explained Dr Victor Goh, Dean of PIL Academy.

Additionally, the PIL Academy will deliver smart learning through a mix of in-person, hybrid and online learning, creating work environments that foster active and individualized learning experiences. A state-of-the-art Learning Studio and Innovation Lab are designed for participants to interact, communicate, discuss presentations and collaborate with resources while working in global teams.

Interactive learning platforms will encourage collaborative learning, supported by a library of easily accessible resources and digital channels that actively advertise learning lessons. These initiatives aim to promote a culture of learning and engagement in the workplace.




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