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South Korea fires warning shots after North's troops accidentally cross border, Seoul says

South Korea fires warning shots after North's troops accidentally cross border, Seoul says


Seoul, South Korea

South Korean forces fired warning shots on Sunday after North Korean troops accidentally crossed their shared border, Seoul's military said, as attacks simmered on the Korean Peninsula after a series of head-to-head exchanges between the two sides.

At a press conference on Tuesday, South Korea's military appeared to downplay the significance of the shooting, saying North Korean soldiers quickly withdrew and did not appear to be aiming to invade the southern side, based on information that could not be public.

There were no unusual movements other than the North Korean army moving north immediately after our warning shots, said Colonel Lee Sung-jun, spokesman for South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff. The South Korean army is closely monitoring the movements of the North Korean army and taking necessary measures.

The report of the incident comes amid heightened tensions after hundreds of balloons filled with debris released by the North landed in the South and the government in Seoul resumed propaganda broadcasts over loudspeakers across the border.

Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, warned late Sunday that the resumption of loudspeaker broadcasts was a prelude to a very dangerous situation and that South Korea would be subject to a countermeasure re unspecified by the North if it continues with the action.

– Source: CNN
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” data-check-event-based-preview=”” data-is-vertical-video-embed=”false” data-network-id=”” data-publish-date=”2024-06-09T12:53:56.929 Z” data-video-section=”world” data-canonical-url=” balloons-valerio-digvid” data-branding-key=”” data-video-slug=”south-korea-propaganda-north-korea-trash-balloons-valerio-digvid” data-first-publish-slug=”south- korea-propaganda-north-korea-trash-balloons-valerio-digvid” data-video-tags=”” data-details=””>

CNN's Mike Valerio breaks down the rivalry between North and South Korea and explains how South Korea is retaliating after North Korea continues to send balloons filled with trash despite the country saying it will stop.

” data-check-event-based-preview=”” data-network-id=”” data-publish-date=”2024-06-09T12:53:56.929Z” data-video-section=”world” data – canonical-url=”” data-branding-key= ” ” data-video-slug=”south-korea-propaganda-north-korea-trash-balloons-valerio-digvid” data-first-publish-slug=”south-korea-propaganda-north-korea-trash-balloons- valerio -digvid” data-video-tags=”” class=”video-resource”>

In this photo provided by South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff and released by South Korea's Defense Ministry, debris from a balloon apparently sent by North Korea lies on the ground in Seoul, South Korea, on June 9, 2024. North Korea has flown hundreds of trash-bearing balloons into South Korea again in the third such campaign since late May, the South's military said, just days after South Korean activists released their balloons to distribute propaganda leaflets in the North.

How South Korea is retaliating against North Korea's garbage cans

The 160-mile Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that separates North and South Korea is one of the most heavily armed borders in the world. Surrounded by high fences and littered with landmines, it is largely empty of human activity.

Sunday's incident marked the first instance of gunfire inside the DMZ since 2020, when there was an accidental exchange of gunfire between the two Koreas, said Lee, the spokesman for the Joint Chiefs.

Lee said North Korean troops moved back across the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) that runs down the center of the DMZ following warnings. The firing did not cross the MDL on the North Korean side of the DMZ, he added.

Lee noted that the DMZ area has overgrown forests and the MDL markers are not visible without special trails.

South Korea's military said about 20 North Korean troops were involved, but could not determine how many actually crossed the MDL. They have not disclosed the number of warning shots.




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