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Romney and Kelly introduce legislation to shore up US military supply chains in the Indo-Pacific

Romney and Kelly introduce legislation to shore up US military supply chains in the Indo-Pacific


WASHINGTONUS Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Foreign Relations on East Asia and the Pacific, and Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Member of the Armed Services Committee, joined today to introduceIndo-Pacific Capacity Building Act, bipartisan legislation that would support the US. military lines and improve readiness, especially in the Indo-Pacific. Specifically, the bill aims to help the Department of Defense (DOD) expand its ability to mitigate logistical vulnerabilities now to better enable operations if a conflict erupts in the future.

With each passing day, the Chinese military continues to improve and expand its capabilities. The ambitions of the Chinese Communist Party are clear, Senator Romney said.In the event of a conflict in the Indo-Pacific, the United States could face challenges effectively moving personnel and equipment across an area that spans about half of the earth's surface. By strengthening and protecting supply lines now, the United States would be better able to address a potentially contested logistics environment in the future.

Ensuring that our military supply chains are resilient and robust is essential to our national security, Senator Kelly said. As China's military capabilities continue to expand, this legislation will help us address vulnerabilities and maintain our readiness in contested environments. By strengthening partnerships in the Indo-Pacific, we can better support our troops and keep our commitments to our allies in the region.”


The Chinese military is rapidly gaining the size and capabilities it needs to dominate the Indo-Pacific. This threat, in addition to the region's vast geographic expanses, means that the United States could be forced to operate in a contested logistical environment in critical areas of the Indo-Pacific should a conflict erupt.

A contested logistics environment refers to one in which an adversary presents challenges in all areas and directly targets our logistics operations, facilities and activities. Threats to logistics can mean that troops cannot be moved, equipment cannot be repaired and ammunition cannot be supplied.

ofIndo-Pacific Capacity Building Actwill:

  • Request a DOD review and report of contested logistics efforts across military departments to better inform Congress.
  • Include Japan and South Korea in the pool of allies (the current DOD program includes Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom) that can provide product support to the US in a contested logistics environment. Obtaining spare parts from allies would allow the US to more efficiently and quickly repair its equipment in a conflict.
  • Authorize DOD to conduct maintenance on certain surface vessels in foreign ports under the SWaRM program. The ability to repair and maintain ships plays a critical role in maintaining Navy readiness.

The text of the legislation can be found here.




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