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World News In Brief: Ukraine attacks continue, Africa education, albinism update

World News In Brief: Ukraine attacks continue, Africa education, albinism update


Many innocent civilians were killed, including children, in a densely populated residential area of ​​the city. It also hit educational facilities and some residential buildings.

Attacks on Ukrainian cities by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to take a devastating toll, Ms Brown said.

Respect international law

International humanitarian law must be respected, she added.

Humanitarian workers are currently on the ground, providing psychological support as well as material for the rapid repair of damaged homes, according to Farhan Haq, UN Deputy Spokesperson.

Ms Brown is also calling for greater protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure in the region.

African nations do not spend enough on quality education for children

In Africa, where the UN Children's Fund, UNICEF, said that most governments are not spending enough money on quality education.

Fewer than one in five African countries have allocated 20 percent of their national budget to education, in line with the 2030 targets linked to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In an education report published ahead of Sunday's Day of the African Child, UNICEF warned that despite significant progress in increasing primary and lower secondary school enrollment over the past decade, many African schools are underfunded, classrooms overcrowded and there are insufficient teachers – many without adequate training. .

Lack of funding is to blame, the UN agency said, noting that it continues to leave millions of children unable to acquire the skills they and their countries need to thrive in the future.

About $183 billion is needed for children's education in African countries each year to meet the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals, but available resources are only $106 billion, UNICEF said.

Progress has been made, but challenges remain for people with albinism

Tremendous progress has been made in human rights for people with albinism, but prejudice and ongoing violence persist, according to Muluka-Anne Miti-Drummondthe UN's independent expert on the situation.

Ms. Miti-Drummond was speaking on the 10thth anniversary of International Albinism Awareness Day marked on Thursday. She hailed the significant progress in including people with albinism in the human rights discourse and the disability movement, while also highlighting the significant challenges still facing those with albinism today.

The killings continue

I continue to receive cases of attacks and murders, often perpetuated against the most vulnerable in our societies, our children, said Ms. Myth-Drummond.

People with the condition – which is caused by a lack of melanin pigmentation – affecting skin, hair and eye color – continue to face an uphill battle to live with dignity and equality.

In some communities, erroneous myths put the lives of people with albinism at constant risk. There have been hundreds of cases of attacks and killings in 28 countries in sub-Saharan Africa in the past decade due to long-standing stigma, poverty and harmful practices stemming from beliefs in witchcraft.

Some reports also indicate that children with albinism face abandonment and rejection by their families in China and other Asian countries.

In terms of health challenges, people with albinism still struggle to access a simple bottle of life-saving protective cream, an unaffordable luxury in some regions, according to the UN's independent expert.

To combat the discrimination and marginalization faced by people with albinism around the world, Mrs. Miti-Drummond is calling for renewed commitment to address these challenges, including more awareness, education, advocacy, legislative and policy reforms, and community engagement.




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