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Local resident raises thousands for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund | News, Sports, Jobs

Local resident raises thousands for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund |  News, Sports, Jobs


Marc Petitpierre, of Charles Town, collects donations for UNICEF in front of the Market House during the Shepherdstown Farmers Market, held every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tabitha Johnston

SHEPHERDSTOWN – As shoppers visit the Shepherdstown Farmers Market on South King Street Sunday morning, many pass by a booth in front of the Market House where a local resident faithfully solicits donations for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). .

Marc Petitpierre, of Charles Town, has become known for his enthusiastic involvement in political protests in downtown Shepherdstown, Charles Town and Martinsburg. However, it wasn't until a few years ago that he realized he wanted to expand his work to help children in need, especially those hurt by natural disasters and wars in Ukraine and, more recently, the Gaza Strip.

“It's about paying attention and being empathetic to all the innocent.” said Petitpierre. “UNICEF helps children everywhere. I think children are the most innocent victims and that's where I come from when I volunteer to help with UNICEF. I have a lot of political agendas, but this is not political – this is about children.”

While he is not surprised when people disagree with his political signs, he finds it extremely troubling when they disagree with his UNICEF signs. Petitpierre said whether or not to help children in need, regardless of which side they are on in a political situation, should not be up for debate.

“Sometimes people get upset,” said Petitpierre. “Especially when it gets personal and demeaning, I have to admit it's a reflection on them.”

However, Petitpierre has been pleased to find that most local residents seem to support his work.

“It's actually overwhelming how many positive responses there are,” he said. “That's what keeps me going about it, being impressed with the attitude and generosity of most people.”

Along with raising funds for UNICEF at the Shepherdstown Farmers Market, Petitpierre also raises funds in Martinsburg and at the Charles Town Farmers Market on Saturday mornings. The idea with soliciting donations at markets, he says, is that people already have their wallets out, so they'll be more likely to give. For those who don't have cash, Petitpierre assures they are still able to donate to the cause, providing them with information on how to mail checks to UNICEF or how to donate on the UNICEF website , using a QR code.

“There's no excuse if they don't have money because there are all kinds of other ways to donate.” said Petitpierre.

UNICEF sends receipts regularly, as proof that 100 percent of the money collected has been donated to the non-profit organization. Of these, Petitpierre said he can prove his efforts have raised over $11,000 for UNICEF since April 2022.

“There are other reputable organizations, and I tell people there are, such as Doctors Without Borders and the World Food Kitchen.” he said. “If they donate to them, that's great, because they help too! But I feel like children are the most innocent victims and UNICEF's focus is to help children.”




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