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Shocking news! Big changes to Canada PGWP: No more work permits!

Shocking news!  Big changes to Canada PGWP: No more work permits!


If you want to study in Canada or are already a student there, it's important to know about the big changes to the post-graduation work permit program (PGWP). These changes may affect your ability to work in Canada after you graduate. This guide will explain everything in simple terms so you can understand and prepare for these changes.

What is PGWP?

The post-graduation work permit (PGWP) allows international students who have completed their studies at a Canadian school to work in Canada. It helps students gain valuable work experience in Canada, which can lead to permanent residency

Major changes to PGWP

The shortest duration of the work permit

Previously, if you completed a study program lasting two years or more, you could get a work permit for up to three years. Now, even if you complete a longer program, you can only get a work permit for one year. This change means you have less time to gain work experience in Canada.

There is no work permit for some programs

In the future, you may not get a work permit after your studies. Canada plans to grant work permits only to students studying in high-demand fields such as IT, healthcare and construction. If you study business, arts or other fields, you may not qualify for a work permit.

Job offer request

To get a work permit, you may need to have a job offer from a Canadian employer. This means that you must find a job before your studies are completed, or you may not get a work permit at all.

Why is Canada making these changes?

Focus on skilled workers

Canada wants to focus on granting work permits to international students studying in fields where there is a high demand for workers. This helps fill job gaps in critical fields such as healthcare and technology.

Prevention of misuse

Some students enroll in low-demand courses just to get a work permit and stay in Canada. By limiting work permits to high-demand fields, Canada aims to prevent this misuse and ensure that only genuine students have job opportunities.

Impact on international students

Limited opportunities

Changes to the post-graduation work permit program (PGWP) will significantly affect international students who wish to stay and work in Canada after graduation. Under the new rules, students who graduate from programs not considered in high demand may not be eligible for a work permit.

This limitation means that many students, especially those in fields such as business, arts or other non-STEM disciplines, may face the reality of returning to their home countries after completing their studies.

The prospect of limited opportunities can be disheartening for students who have invested considerable time, money and effort in their education in hopes of building a future in Canada.

The Need for Strategic Planning

Given these changes, strategic planning has become crucial for prospective international students. It is essential that students choose their study programs carefully, focusing on fields that are in high demand in Canada, such as IT, healthcare and construction.

By aligning their educational choices with the needs of the Canadian labor market, students can increase their chances of obtaining a PGWP and, eventually, permanent residency.

This strategic approach includes a thorough research and understanding of Canadian labor market trends. Students should seek guidance from educational consultants, use resources provided by Canadian educational institutions, and stay informed about evolving immigration policies.

In addition, students should consider the long-term career prospects and stability of demand in their chosen field.

Furthermore, institutions offering international programs will have to adapt to these changes. They may begin emphasizing programs in high-demand fields to attract international students who are now more focused on securing work permits after graduation.

Educational institutions can also improve their support services, offering career counseling and job placement assistance tailored specifically to international students.

Important data

Here is a summary of the highlights:

The old system The new system
Work permit up to three years Work permit for one year
Work permit for all fields of study Work permit only for fields with high demand
No job offer required Job offer required
More opportunities for international students Limited opportunities based on field of study

Advice for international students

Choose Programs in High Demand

Choose study programs in fields such as IT, healthcare and construction. These are more likely to qualify for a work permit.

Secure a job offer

Try to secure a job offer before you finish your studies. This increases your chances of getting a work permit.

Stay Informed

Keep up with the latest updates from immigration authorities in Canada. This helps you stay prepared for any changes.


The changes to the PGWP program are significant and will affect many international students in Canada. By understanding these changes and planning accordingly, you can improve your chances of staying and working in Canada after your studies.

Choose in-demand study programs, secure a job offer, and stay informed to successfully navigate these changes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the new duration for PGWP?

The new duration for the PGWP is one year, regardless of the length of your study programme.

Which fields are considered high demand?

Fields such as IT, healthcare and construction are considered high demand and are more likely to qualify for a work permit.

Do I need a job offer to get a PGWP?

Yes, under the new changes, you will need a job offer from a Canadian employer to obtain a work permit.

Can I still get a work permit if I study business or art?

It is less likely. The new rules favor high-demand fields, so studying business or art may not qualify you for a work permit.

When will these changes take effect?

The exact date is not yet confirmed, but it is expected to be implemented soon. Keep checking official notifications for updates.

Final Thoughts

These changes to the PGWP program are designed to meet the needs of Canada's labor market and prevent abuse of the work permit system. As an international student, it is essential to stay informed and make strategic choices about your studies and career plans. This guide is intended to help you understand the changes and prepare for your future in Canada.

By following these tips and staying proactive, you can navigate the new PGWP rules and maximize your opportunities to work and live in Canada. Good luck in your future studies and career




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