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China: Malicious condemnation of #MeToo and labor activists shows Beijing's growing fear of dissent

China: Malicious condemnation of #MeToo and labor activists shows Beijing's growing fear of dissent


Responding to the sentencing of Chinese #MeToo activist Sophia Huang Xueqin to five years in prison and labor activist Wang Jianbing to three years and six months in prison, both for inciting subversion of state power, Amnesty International's China Director Sarah Brooks said :

Tomorrow marks exactly one thousand days since Sophia Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing were arrested. These sentences will prolong their deeply unjust detention and have a further chilling effect on human rights and social protection in a country where activists face an increasing crackdown by the state.

In fact, they have committed no real crime. Instead, the Chinese government has concocted excuses to consider their work a threat and to target them for educating themselves and others about social justice issues such as women's dignity and workers' rights.

#MeToo activism has empowered survivors of sexual violence around the world, but in this case Chinese authorities have sought to do the exact opposite by eradicating it.

These malicious and completely baseless convictions show how terrified the Chinese government is of the emerging wave of activists who dare to speak out to protect the rights of others.

Sophia Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing have been imprisoned only for exercising their right to freedom of expression, and they should be released immediately and unconditionally.


The Guangzhou Intermediate Court today sentenced Sophia Huang Xueqin to five years in prison and labor activist Wang Jianbing to three years and six months in prison for inciting the overthrow of state power. Sophia Huang Xueqin told the court she would appeal.

Sophia Huang Xueqin is a journalist who has been involved in several #MeToo campaigns to provide support and help to survivors of sexual assault and harassment. Wang Jianbing has provided legal support for disabled people and workers with occupational diseases. He is also a prominent supporter of the #MeToo movement in China.

Their conviction is linked to their participation in weekly meetings with fellow activists, organized by Wang Jianbing; their participation in online human rights education; and postings on the Internet about matters considered sensitive by the Chinese government.

The pair were arrested in Guangzhou on September 19, 2021, a day before Huang planned to leave China for the UK to study for a master's degree.

Since their arrest, both activists have been prevented from meeting their families. Meanwhile, dozens of their friends were called by the police and their homes were searched and their electronic equipment confiscated. Sophie Huang Xueqin is believed to have been subjected to ill-treatment in detention, leading to a dramatic deterioration in her health.

In January 2023, Sophia Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing were transferred to Guangzhou City No. 1 Detention Center, awaiting trial in court.

Chinese authorities systematically use national security charges with extremely vague provisions, such as subversion of state power and incitement to subvert state power, to prosecute lawyers, scholars, journalists, activists, NGO workers, and others.

UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention determined in 2022 that Wang Jianbing was being arbitrarily detained and has repeatedly called on China to abolish the crime of inciting subversion or bring it into line with international standards.




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