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A global judicial news report: June 2024

A global judicial news report: June 2024


Cover photo: Court of Final Appeal Building, Hong Kong (Wikimedia, Creative Commons)

In June 2024, three foreign judges announced their resignations from the Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong, the territory's highest court and other foreign judges have been encouraged to resign following the conviction of 14 pro-democracy protesters. Since the return of the territories to China in 1997, it has remained under common law through a one country, two systems arrangement. This arrangement means that the court's powers are not absolute: Rulings by customary law courts can be overturned by the Chinese government through a process known as interpretation.Learn more

In the News


A Chinese court indicted activists Sophia Huang Xueqin, a freelance journalist known for her role in China's #MeToo movement, and Wang Jianbing, a labor activist, on charges of inciting the overthrow of state power, according to supporters. (The Washington Post, 6/14/2024)Continue reading

Hong Kong🇭🇰

Three judges have resigned from the territory's high court, citing concerns about the rule of law following the conviction of 14 democracy activists on May 30 for subversion. Legal experts have warned for some time about the degraded rule of law in cities in the wake of the laws passed by Beijing. (BBC, 6/11/2024)Continue reading


Niger's ousted president Mohamed Bazoum has been stripped of his immunity by the Niamey State Court, a move that signals the ruling junta will launch criminal proceedings against him. Bazoums' lawyers said he and his wife had never been brought before a judge. (Reuters, 14.6.2024)Continue reading


Evan Gershkovich, the first American journalist to be arrested on espionage charges in Russia since the Cold War, will stand trial in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg after prosecutors formally charged him with spying for the CIA. (CNN, 13.6.2024)Continue reading

South Africa🇿🇦

The party led by former South African president Jacob Zuma asked the country's highest court to stop the newly elected national assembly from meeting for the first time on June 14. (BBC, 6/11/2024)Continue reading


Swiss politicians have rejected a landmark climate ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), raising fears that other polluting countries could follow suit. The lower house of the Swiss parliament voted in June to disregard the landmark ECHR ruling, arguing that the judges had overstepped their bounds and that Switzerland had done enough. (The Guardian, 6/12/2024) Continue reading

United Nations🌐

An investigation by a United Nations-backed commission has found that Israel and Palestinian groups committed war crimes in the war in Gaza., and accused Israel of crimes against humanity. (Al Jazeera, 6/12/2024) Continue reading

United States🇺🇸

Senate Republicans blocked an effort by Democrats to quickly pass Supreme Court ethics and transparency legislation they had pushed after revelations about judges taking gifts and unreported travel and other ethics issues surrounding the court. up. The unsuccessful outcome was a foregone conclusion, but it represented an attempt by Senate Democrats to show they were pushing the case against the court. (The New York Times, 6/12/2024) Continue reading




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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