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Cultivate inner peace and world harmony for International Yoga Day

Cultivate inner peace and world harmony for International Yoga Day


HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – The public is invited to celebrate the 6th annual International Day of Yoga event hosted by the Gandhi International Institute for Peace (GIIP) this Friday.

The free event is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the MOA Wellness Center in Honolulu.

Dr. Raj Kumar, founder of GIIP, certified yoga teacher, health counselor and author, joined HNN's Sunrise with Michele Santos of Sun Yoga to talk about the health benefits of practicing yoga.

The theme of this year's International Yoga Day is Yoga for Inner Peace and World Peace. The event will feature yoga sessions, wellness discussions and opportunities for attendees to network with other practitioners throughout the day.

Kumar said he founded GIIP in Hawaii to promote peace and nonviolence through education, training and conflict resolution, and to promote harmony in families, schools, workplaces and society.

GIIP offers educational exchange programs with universities, provides leadership training for school staff and students, and offers counseling and psychological services for non-violent problem solving.

Under Kumar's leadership, GIIP initiated a House bill in the Hawaii Legislature, HB 349, to recognize June 21 of each year as International Yoga Day in Hawaii. The House bill was signed into Act 102 by then-Governor David Ige in 2019.

In 2005, Kumar wrote Secrets of Health and Healing, a book that combines Eastern practices and Western research. It covers stress management, disease detection, healthy living, safe sex, better sleep and various healing techniques.

Kumar is working on a new book titled Anger and Nonviolence about Mahatma Gandhi, which will be released in October 2024.

As a practitioner of Hinduism, Kumar believes that yoga is a powerful tool for fostering peace within individuals and within communities.

It's a gentle reminder that helps us let go of the suffering that comes from living in the past, or anxiety about the future, Kumar said. Yoga is the art of being, of living in the magical present moment.

Originally from Brazil, yoga instructor Santos attended Hawaii Pacific University and found her passion for yoga in Hawaii, where she founded Sun Yoga in 2012.

She demonstrated some poses that help center the mind.

For more information about the event and GIIPs mission, visit

Stay connected with the latest updates by following their Facebook Gandhi International Institute for Peace.

Seats for the event are limited, so email [email protected] to confirm availability and reserve seats in advance.




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