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British High Commission Suva celebrates the Kings birthday

British High Commission Suva celebrates the Kings birthday


Paying tribute to His Majesty's devotion to nature, love of gardening, plants and flowers, the event showcased Fijian flowers and the artists who turn these natural works of art into beautiful displays.

The United Kingdom last celebrated a royal birthday in 1951. His Majesty King Charles III was born on 14 November 1948 and ascended the throne as Monarch of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations on 6 May 2023. The coronation was a once-in-a-generation event and one of the most important cultural moments of 2023.

In his speech, Dr Brian Jones spoke of the historic ties between the UK and Fiji, the modern partnership defined by our working together for a more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world, including our joint efforts to stop those who are responsible for the illegal occupation of Ukraine. and our efforts to find lasting peace in the Middle East.

The Chief of Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs toasted the health of His Majesty the King. Laisa Vulakoro, Paulini Bautani, Justin Blake Hickes and their band created the atmosphere with their musical talent and sang the British and Fijian national anthems. The Fiji Horticultural and Orchid Society displayed their work with the celebration theme.

The First Lady, Vilomena Katonivere was pleased to present an award to the florist who displayed their floral art at the King's birthday celebration.

Akosita Raicebe, President of Suva Orchid and Horticulture Circle said:

We were delighted to be showcasing our floral arrangements at this year's Kings Birthday celebration, the first time the Circle and High Commission have worked together at this level. Fiji has some of the most beautiful flora in the world and we know that His Majesty the King has a keen interest in both the beauty of the natural world and the beauty of Fiji. We hope that our agreements during KBP 2024 have inspired to protect Fiji's wonderful flowers and plants.

Our guests represented the relationships we have strengthened over the past year and represented the new networks we have built Youth for Integrity Fiji, Fiji Graduate Women's Network, CWM Board of Visitors, Rainbow Pride Hub Women Entrepreneur Business Council, Sanatan Fiji and Soqosoqo Vakamarama iTaukei along with Fiji's leading businessmen, diplomats and officials from the fields of security, arts and education.

The British High Commissioner to Fiji, Dr Brian Jones, said

Flowers represent new life, hope, love and the promise of what is to come. His Majesty King Charles loves gardening and promotes plants and nature in everything he does. The British love of nature, tradition and gardening culture is something we share with our friends in Fiji and across the Pacific. Gardening breaks down barriers in society and the wonder of new life excites and reassures us all equally. Our event celebrated all that flowers mean to us all in our vibrant cultures. Like gardens, relationships between countries and peoples cannot be left idle: they need care, hard work, creativity and investment. That's my job as High Commissioner, with my team, and that's what this evening was about planting new seeds, nurturing established stems, and celebrating the wonder of what's to come in the next season.

A big sand Vinaka Vakalevu Dhanyavaad to our fellow gardeners for their fantastic presence and support in making #KBP2024s so memorable.




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