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Inspiring Stories of Hope: Raising the Voices of Refugees

Inspiring Stories of Hope: Raising the Voices of Refugees


Did you know that we are currently living through the greatest displacement crisis in human history? This month, UNHCR's updated Global Trends report now projects this over 120 million people have been forced to flee their homes, driven by three interconnected realities: violent conflict, climate change and extreme poverty.

This World Refugee Daywe are realizing what it means to stand in solidarity with refugees around the world. Part of this solidarity is highlighting stories of hope and raising the voices of refugees by giving space to the most affected people to talk about what is really happening.

Today you will meet Souzan, Willie and Farrah. Our hope is that you will be inspired for change through their stories.

We stay with Souzan from Iran

Souzan and her husband were proud owners of numerous furniture stores in Iran. They were rich, owned two apartments and enjoyed many comforts to have a secure future. On the surface, you would think there was nothing more that Souzan and her family could need, but one vital piece was missing. the freedom to openly worship and pray to God.

It is very dangerous for a Muslim to become a Christian. It is against the law. They can kill you. explains Souzan. My whole family is Christian, but we have a problem in Iran because we don't have a church. We cannot go to church and read the Bible. Especially in the city of Mashhad. I lived in Mashhad.

Despite the danger, Souzan organized a Bible study in her home for years. One year, a friend of hers brought two new people that Souzan didn't know. Soon after, Souzan and her husband noticed that they were being watched.

Those people reported us to the government. My husband was very smart and he says to me, Souzan, we have to go because they will come to get you to teach the Bible study in our house.

In that moment, they had no idea that the rest of their lives would change forever. With only $4,000 and a suitcase of belongings, Souzan and her family fled to Indonesia on one-month visas. What was supposed to be a temporary stop turned into twelve years of waiting for an opportunity to plead their case with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. In 2014, the Souzans' spouses' application was rejected, forcing them to wait another five years when Souzan and her children were accepted to relocate without her husband.

Souzan, William and Seth arrived in Spokane on September 26, 2023. On October 1, just five days later, they were in church. I have been waiting for this moment for 12 years. Souzan recounts.

Finally, we are able to live properly, says Seti. We have rights. In Indonesia, we had no rights because we are refugees. We should be silent, but here, no, it's not like that. Everyone helping each other.

Souzan compared life in the United States to life in Iran. My life in Iran was very good because I have everything. I live like rich people, but we can't go to church. We cannot pray.

Souzan and her family were persecuted for being Christians. They chose to trade comfort for freedom. I chose freedom free to pray, free to go anywhere. Especially for my children, says Souzan.

A significant number of refugees around the world have faced religious persecution, many of them persecuted because of their Christian faith. Globally, more than 360 million Christians face high levels of persecution and discrimination because of their faith. There are refugees all over the world with stories of hope like Souzan and her family. They need your help.

Willie was only thirteen years old when he left his home in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The eldest of four siblings, he was to inherit a large herd of cattle from his father, Samuel, according to a tradition handed down from generation to generation.

But the head of the village, wanting to grow and secure his wealth, asked Samuel to hand over some of his cattle. When Samuel refused, the chief ordered an attack on the entire house demanding that all the family and livestock be killed, including Willie. Miraculously, Willie survived and fled the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In 2019, Willie arrived at the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. I am alone in this camp and I cannot tell whether my family members are dead or alive. I just can't tell if my father or mother is alive, he says.

Along with not knowing his family's fate, Willie also had to navigate new challenges as a displaced child, such as communal living with complete strangers and poorly ventilated housing units.

To make matters worse, in 2023, Willie was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis while still in camp. But God was already at work in Kakuma, providing the care that would save Willie's life. Not only did World Relief equip the Kakuma Mission Hospital with trained staff and the right medical treatment to help Willie, but he was also able to access support groups, health education, nutritional counseling and effective ongoing treatment at home through health workers in the community.

Reflecting on his journey, Willie credits his full recovery to this holistic approach. The priority was not only his physical health, but also his mental well-being. Now, Willie is an ardent supporter of the work World Relief is doing to respond to the needs of his refugee brothers and sisters at the Kakuma Mission Hospital and refugee camp. Stories of hope like Willie's remind us that our work can make a difference.

To be forcibly removed from your hometown, family and everything familiar is sad. For refugees around the world, including children like Willie, it's just the beginning of a long, unknown road as a displaced person. Now, more than ever, we must respond to the call to love our neighbor near and far and be the hands of Jesus' servants.

We join Farah from Afghanistan

For Farah, Herat, Afghanistan was home. Here she grew up, found a job she loved, got married and started her family.

From a young age, Farah loved learning about the world. Nicknamed the city of civilization, Herat was a rich tapestry of history, art and culture. I took English and [found] other resources to help me grow, she said.

She received a degree in education and went on to work as an English teacher at an educational and cultural center in Herat. The center was part of a partnership between the Afghan Ministry of Culture and Information and the US Embassy in Kabul.

Farah and her husband loved their life and felt safe, surrounded by family and all that Herat had to offer.

But then, they started hearing disturbing rumors. Farah remembers sitting in her living room in August 2021 when she first heard that the Taliban were coming.

Because of their work, the couple were targeted by the extremist group, so they made the harrowing decision to leave, leaving behind the home they loved.

First, the family of three fled to Kabul, hoping to catch a flight out of the country. However, they soon discovered that the airport was no longer safe. People died trying to get to the airport. There were shots, noises, so many people. You can't imagine, she said. I was watching on TV. Many people tried to get to the airport three or four times but could not. I saw how terrible it was.

They had to find another way out. The family continued east and managed to escape through Pakistan. Eventually, they made their way to the US, where World Relief Fox Valley in Wisconsin welcomed them.

At first, adjusting to their new life was difficult. Everything was different, Farah said. Food, transport. Everyone should have a car here.

Farah also felt the loss of the support system he had in Herat. Taking care of my child, I am the only one. But in Afghanistan, I had a support system.

While World Relief could not replace the Farahs' lost family, friends and home, the welcome they shared helped ease the burden of loss. It wasn't long before Farah was using her language and cross-cultural skills to help World Relief welcome more Afghans like her.

Farah's story of hope continued to grow out of her experience. She is now on staff at World Relief Fox Valley, leading women's groups to help others in her community adjust and thrive in their new lives in the US.

Even as she focuses on rebuilding, her family and the wider Afghan community, some days are harder than others. Farah misses her home in Herat and hopes Americans will learn from the beauty of Afghan culture.

The people of Afghanistan are so hospitable. People care a lot about each other. Families are together and take care of each other. There is respect for the elderly, she said.

Although this isn't the life Farah and her husband had envisioned, they plan to invest in their Wisconsin community. I'm not originally from the US, Farah said, but I want to be part of the community and serve people.

While Souzan, Willie and Farah are all refugees with stories of hope, that's where their similarities end. No two refugee experiences are the same, which is why our faith drives us to work tirelessly toward our mission to boldly engage in the world's greatest crises in partnership with the church.

We envision thriving and welcoming communities where families thrive and people experience regenerative relationships with God, their neighbors, and all of creation.

We often talk about refugees being strong, and these stories of hope show that they really are. But we pray and look forward to the day when they no longer have to be, when millions are no longer forced from their homes, when global communities can thrive and there is an end to the desperate search for security.

*Names changed for security.

Jessica Galvan is a content writer at World Relief. She is passionate about storytelling and amplifying diverse voices to reveal the beauty of Gods creation. She is also editorial director for Chasing Justice and prior to World Relief, she was a freelance writer and editor for a variety of publishing clients, most recently Penguin Random House. When she is not talking about the pursuit of faith and justice, she is spending time with her husband and their 3 children in the Houston, TX area.




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