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General Election 2024 on the BBC

General Election 2024 on the BBC


We know that the public wants clarity, fairness and transparency during general elections. Our content will keep you up to date with every twist and turn of the campaign, however you consume your news and however you vote.

As well as our overnight coverage led by Clive Myrie and Laura Kuenssberg, the Election Debates and special Question Time Leaders and Leaders interviews with Nick Robinson were producing a range of programming and election journalism across all our BBC News platforms. From personalized push notifications to how you can participate in our coverage, here are some of the things you've been doing to put voters first

  • Live coverage of the general election will continue 24/7 until our big, new day Electoral Titles Bulletin out on iPlayer until 8pm every weeknight.
  • Brand new BBC Depth is providing plenty of analysis and expert opinion on the election from our top journalists.
  • of election tab is live on our website, bringing together all of our digital election content, from our daily live pages to basic explainers and our interactive poll tracker.
  • We have manifesto guides for every nation on our website and constituency pages with nominations to help voters understand the election in their constituency in our country BBC Deep Section.
  • We have started our daily Essential Election Bulletinplus updates from BBC News Daily and Off Air with Laura K.
  • Personalized push notifications will be sent to users with links to their constituency pages, showing the nominations and then the results.
  • We have started Your voice Your vote an invitation to audiences to participate in our coverage and help inform our journalism.
  • There is a new Factcheck format from BBC Verify, including social media. Elsewhere on social media, we'll continue with TikTok Lives.
  • The BBC's disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring is questioning how the election is playing out on people's social media feeds up and down the country via Secret Voter Projectavailable on digital, podcasts, TV and radio.
  • of The general election process on iPlayer, bringing viewers events from the campaign alongside the BBC's best video and audio election coverage, will run 24/7 until the big day.


News and Electioncast

Adam Fleming, Chris Mason, Laura Kuenssberg and Paddy O'Connell present daily Newscast podcasts 7 days a week under the Electioncast banner, including a new Saturday morning slot on Radio 4. Newscast is publishing episodes profiling the leader of party, deep dive manifestos, off air and leader debate specials. The podcast is also available on BBC One, BBC News Channel and streamed on BBC iPlayer.

Election News All Night

On election night Adam Fleming will host the Election All-Nighter news show with an audience reacting live to the results as they come in. The podcast will be recorded live and the event will feature throughout the BBC's election night coverage. Apply on the BBC Shows and Tours website to be part of the audience.

Understand the General Election

Understand the General Election is a ten-part series, hosted by Adam Fleming, providing an accessible guide to everything happening in the campaign, including topics such as manifestos, tactical voting, the role of marginal seats and digital campaigning.

Today program

The Today program focuses on five constituencies where particular contests have implications for the national campaign, hosting three live events in Wells, Bolton West and Dagenham with audiences and candidates.

Today's Podcast has doubled to two episodes a week, with the extra episode on Mondays expected next week, alongside the usual Thursday episode also broadcast on BBC Radio 4.

Woman's Hour

Women's Hour continues the tradition of interviews with party leaders focusing on policy issues affecting women and of special interest to women. They will host a round table debate with a senior member of each of the main parties.

The World In One

World At One has insights from former political advisers, while Jim Naughtie reports from constituencies which have featured legendary historic election battles across the UK.


A feature of the Prime Minister's raffle election is the random drawing of a constituency each day during the campaign and the display of reports from and around that constituency, with a panel of non-politician experts who have had roles within or alongside government to comment on the whole campaign.

The World Tonight

For the World Tonight, Sean Ley is running a series of interviews for Last Orders, talking to retired MPs about their careers.

Elections 24

A dedicated Election 24 stream, which receives an audio-only stream of all the BBC's political broadcast coverage, with data from live radio and live TV 24 hours a day. It's available via the BBC Sounds app and on smart speakers.

Radio 5 Live

As the Voice of BBC Radio 5 Live UK is at the heart of election coverage, making sure listeners have everything from the launch of the manifesto to the election night results. The public can put their questions to some party leaders on special editions of Nicky Campbells phone-in show.

The station will also be on the road, following the parties on the campaign trail and talking to voters along the way, as well as a series of special election broadcasts from abroad from key and marginal constituencies.

Radio 2

Jeremy Vine is following the election action on his lunchtime show, delving into the demonstrations of all the major parties. He'll be grilling party leaders, asking them the questions our listeners want answered, and broadcasting from Glasgow, Salford and Cardiff to reflect on how this election is unfolding across the UK.

Listeners will be at the heart of Radio 2's coverage, with the daily phone-in discussion meaning everyone has a chance to make their voice heard.

Any questions?

Any questions? with Alex Forsyth is expanding its program to an hour for the campaign period, allowing listeners to put their questions directly to the candidates.

Archive on the 4th

Archive in 4: Election Night Fever Rachel Burden reveals the extraordinary moments of the election night results programs.

The city that stayed home

In The City That Stayed Home, Alex Forsyth examines why in the 2019 election, three of the four areas with the lowest voter turnout were in one city: Hull.

The deadly business of democracy

Carolyn Quinn asks what can be done to ensure the physical safety of our MPs and other political representatives as they increasingly face danger in the “Deadly Business of Democracy”.

The South Asian Displacement

Barnie Choudhury analyzes the turbulent shift in voter affiliations rooted in the Indian subcontinent in The South Asian Shift.

When she hits Fan

David Yelland and Simon Lewis examine the PR and spin of political campaigns and how those who want your votes are choosing to present themselves for When It Hits The Fan.

Comedy special

Looking to inject some laughs into this election period, Radio 4 is bringing listeners comedy specials from hit podcasts Michael Spicer: No room AND Call Jonathan Pie.

News Quizhosted by Andy Zaltzman, is covering the election period, including a taping the day after the election, while the award-winning satire skewer will present the elections in a special episode after the results are announced.




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