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Agora Granada International College School hosts the 11th Globeducate Global Olympiad

Agora Granada International College School hosts the 11th Globeducate Global Olympiad


Agora Granada International College School hosts the 11th Globeducate Global Olympiad

Globeducate students met once again to celebrate sports, teamwork and building new friendships as more than 300 athletes from 27 schools in the Globeducate network met at host school Agora Granada College International School in Spain for the 11th edition of of the event.

From the 4th to the 7th of June, Primary Years 5 and 6 and ESO Years 1 and 2 students gathered to take part in these sports Olympics, promoting healthy competition and the Olympic spirit.

Globeducate schools from seven different countries participated: Spain, Portugal, Andorra, France, Italy, United Kingdom and Cyprus. Students participated in a variety of sports disciplines: soccer, basketball, full net, floor, water polo and triathlon.

This event not only encourages the practice of sports to promote healthy lifestyle habits, but also awakens in young people the Olympic spirit and society, creating lasting friendships between students of different schools and nationalities.

“This was the first Globeducate event I attended and it exceeded all my expectations. Seeing hundreds of children start a competition as strangers and end up as friends, working together in teams of mixed schools and nationalities different, highlighted to me that students at Globeducate schools are part of a strong community for my students, the learning opportunities were immense, from living with host families to learning about sports they had never played before.

Charlotte Bennett, Stonar School, UK

An essential part of the success of this event was the welcome given to students from more than 100 families from Agora College International School Granadawho offered their hospitality and opened the doors of their homes, thus strengthening the bond between students of different nationalities.

One of RIS Rome students, Ludovica, 13, said:

“Living with our host families in Granada was a wonderful experience. They welcomed us with open arms, took us for a walk in the center of the wonderful city and shared with us very interesting knowledge about the local culture. This hospitality, combined with the creation of new friends from all over the world, made the whole event truly memorable.”

On Friday, June 7, the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games was held, in which the participating teams were awarded for being brave, caring, thoughtful, reflective, thoughtful, elevated, educated, balanced, communicator… During the ceremony Agora College Granada International School wanted to highlight four distinctive elements of Granada's culture, honoring each of them through different performances: the Alhambra and its court of lions, flamenco, the Tropical Coast and the Sierra Nevada .

Javier Jiménez, Director of the International School of Agora College Granada:

“It has been an honor for our school to be able to welcome more than 300 students to our 32,000 m² premises. We observed with pleasure how the values ​​of respect, teamwork and discipline were paramount among the students. Thanks to the fact that we were part of an educational group like Globeducate, it is possible to create and participate in these international events which greatly enrich our students”.

Agora Granada International College School is proud to have been the setting for such an important event, which not only celebrates sport, but also promotes core values ​​such as solidarity, fellowship and respect among young people from different cultures.

To learn more about our seven annual Globeducate events, click here




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