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We must all call on Russia to withdraw its forces from the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine: UK statement to the UN Security Council

We must all call on Russia to withdraw its forces from the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine: UK statement to the UN Security Council


More than two years have passed since Russia began its illegal and unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine. The consequences of Putin's war have been catastrophic. In Kiev last December, I met children learning to walk again after losing limbs in Russian attacks. I met two young women rescued months after being forcibly abducted by Russia. We mourn over ten thousand civilians who lost their lives in Ukraine; we share the concerns of the parents of twenty thousand forcibly removed and still untraced children displaced from their families. The people of Russia, especially the soldiers' mothers, also suffer. But not, of course, the Russian government, whose war arm is financed by their partners, oil and gas purchases, which in turn allows Russia to buy weapons from the DPRK and Iran, while its own citizens and millions of people in around the world face the economy. difficulties and food insecurity.

There is a peaceful way to end this war and this suffering. Last weekend in Switzerland, 100 countries and institutions met to discuss peace and ending the war based on international law, the principles of the UN Charter and President Zelenskyys own proposals. And I thank the Swiss government for organizing this conference. From every continent, the representatives emphasized that all countries benefit if there is respect for the UN Charter, for territorial integrity and sovereignty. It also showed how we could take the first steps towards peace now, including food security, nuclear security and the return of Ukrainian children.

But Putin rejected this possibility. He rejected the peace summit. He actively tried to undermine it. He spent the days before the summit launching a vicious new attack on Kharkiv, using cluster bombs to target civilians and inflict further damage on Ukraine's energy infrastructure. He made it clear that he is only interested in the total capitulation of Ukraine. He suggested that a ceasefire could only be considered if Ukraine gave him its sovereign territory. Where is the peaceful solution and respect for the UN Charter in this?

And now, just two days after widespread international calls for a just peace in Ukraine, Putin has gone to Pyongyang to demand yet more North Korean weapons to support his war, in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions. Security. Every member of the United Nations has a responsibility to reject this and uphold the principles of this institution. We must all call on Russia – the only country that can end this war – to withdraw its forces from the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine and engage constructively with international efforts to achieve a peaceful fair and sustainable in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter.




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