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Canada will list the IRGC as a terrorist group

Canada will list the IRGC as a terrorist group


Canada will list Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a branch of the Iranian Armed Forces, as a terrorist group.

Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc made the announcement Wednesday afternoon, pledging that Canada will “use all available means” to combat IRGC activity in Canada.

It is a crime to knowingly deal with the assets of a listed terrorist entity under the Criminal Code of Canada. Charities can lose their status if they maintain ties to terrorist groups, and people found to be associated with those groups can be banned from entering Canada. It also allows banks to freeze assets.

LeBlanc said the IRGC has demonstrated “disregard for human rights inside and outside Iran.”

In January, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said publicly that he was open to the move, as long as it was done “responsibly.” He made the comments during a vigil for the victims of Ukraine International Flight 752, which was shot down by the IRGC over Tehran on January 8, 2020.

The IRGC said the plane was mistaken for a hostile target. Of the 176 people killed when the plane crashed, 55 were Canadian citizens and 30 were permanent residents.

Family members of the victims have been calling on Canada to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization for years.

“This demand has been there for a long time,” said Hamed Esmaeilion of the Association of Families of Victims of Flight PS752. “We want to see every financial connection of the IRGC (charged) as criminal activity.”

“The regime in Iran is brutal, oppressive, theocratic and misogynistic. Our government has taken strong action to oppose that regime and we are definitely focused on taking further action,” Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia told reporters earlier on Wednesday. Freeland.

The IRGC will join Al Qaeda, Hamas, Boko Haram, the Islamic State and dozens of other international groups on Canada's terrorist list.

The United States designated the IRGC a terrorist group in 2019 under the Trump administration, a designation that President Joe Biden has held.

In a press release, the Conservatives criticized the Trudeau administration, saying it took too long to act.

As a result, “the IRGC has been able to strengthen itself,” the statement said.

“They have been allowed to fundraise, recruit and operate in Canada while terrorizing large numbers of Iranian-Canadians who fled to Canada to escape the IRGC in the first place.”

Facing questions about how the designation could affect the Iranian diaspora communities in Canada, some of whom may have been forced to participate in IRGC activity, Attorney General Arif Virani says he trusts investigators to be right.

“We have been very careful and measured in terms of our approach,” he said.

Being charged in connection with a terrorist group “requires a level of intent that is elevated. People have to send money knowing where it's going,” he added.

In other words, if someone helps the IRGC without realizing it, or if they are forced to do so, “That would inform the analysis,” Virani said. “I have a lot of faith in our law enforcement agencies.”

This is a breaking news. More details to come.

With files from CTV News' Vassy Kapelos




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