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New mobile phone detection cameras to catch distracted drivers on busy Adelaide roads

New mobile phone detection cameras to catch distracted drivers on busy Adelaide roads


South Australian drivers will be given a three-month “educational period” after new mobile phone detection cameras are officially switched on.

During a three-month test phase, SAPOL said it made 71,044 detections from 6,794,050 vehicles, which equates to 1.05 percent of drivers using mobile phones behind the wheel.

A person using his little finger to steer the wheel, his hands holding a cell phone and a bottle

A driver driving with one finger while holding a mobile phone in one hand and a drink in the other.(Supplied by: SA Police)

Under the grace period which will run from June 19 to September 18, drivers caught on camera will receive a warning letter instead of a fine or loss of points.

From September 19, offending drivers will face a $540 penalty notice, plus a $99 crime victim surcharge and three demerit points.

SAPOL Officer-in-Charge Traffic Support Branch Superintendent Darren Fielke said the grace period only applied to offenses detected by the new cameras.

“People caught by police illegally using their mobile devices while driving will still be required to pay a fine,” Superintendent Fielke said.

“We have seen, from other jurisdictions, a significant change in the behavior of people not using their mobile phones following the introduction of mobile phone detection cameras, so by introducing these cameras into high-risk areas, we hope that this will contribute to the improvement of the driver's behavior.

Police said recent changes to the Australian Road Rules had expanded the definition of using a mobile phone to include circumstances where a mobile phone was being held, including on the driver's lap.

A person using a cell phone while driving, the passenger seat is full of stuff

Mobile phone detection cameras in Adelaide have caught more than 71,000 drivers doing the wrong thing.

(Supplied by: SA Police)

The law exempts drivers who use their phones to make a payment while the vehicle is stationary in a road-bound zone.

“Using a cell phone while driving increases a driver's risk of a crash by at least four times,” said Superintendent Fielke.

“The risk increases in high-volume traffic areas, where inattention and distraction contribute to a higher number of crashes.”

The cameras have been placed at five “high risk locations” South Road in Torrensville, North-South Freeway at Regency Park, Port Wakefield Road at Gepps Cross, Southern Freeway at Darlington and Port Road at Hindmarsh.

Two other undisclosed locations are now being considered with cameras to be installed early next year.

LED road sign with destinations and time to arrive with a camera installed above

One of the cell phone detection cameras on South Road in Torrensville.(Bobby Macumber, ABC)

All new cameras will be marked with signage.

“Using a cell phone while driving increases a driver's risk of a crash by at least four times,” said Superintendent Fielke.

“The risk increases in high-volume traffic areas, where inattention and distraction contribute to a higher number of crashes.”

Police said artificial computer intelligence will be used to process the images and identify drivers using mobile phones illegally.

The images will be reviewed by “non-sworn judges who have specific training.”

The crackdown is part of SA Police's drive to reduce road trauma caused by driver distraction.




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