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Professor Jkobsone Bellomi participates in the International Forum on Latvia and African Countries

Professor Jkobsone Bellomi participates in the International Forum on Latvia and African Countries


JCU Professor Ieva Jkobsone Bellomi participated in an international forum called Latvia and African Countries: Partners for Peace and Stability, organized by and held at the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Riga, on 3 and 4 June 2024. The event was organized in the scope of Latvia's candidacy for the UN Security Council 2026-2027, emphasizing the importance of the North-South connection in economic and business cooperation and building unity across the African continent and Europe in the current geopolitical climate. The forum welcomed more than 100 participants, including state representatives and non-state actors, entrepreneurs and guests from 18 African countries.

Latvia and African countries: International Forum Partners for Peace and Stability
Latvia and African countries: International Forum Partners for Peace and Stability

Baiba Brae, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and former NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, emphasized that strengthening cooperation with Africa is one of the priorities of the EU's foreign policy, because security and economic challenges of Africa directly affect the EU: Russia's war in Ukraine. , the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and others have had a negative impact on both the EU and Africa, respectively, we need to improve bilateral political and economic cooperation, develop crisis response mechanisms and strengthen mutual supply chains .

African country representatives were also introduced to She Rebuilds the World, an economic empowerment project for women, led by Professor Jkobsone Bellomi. The project has received the third round (2024/2025) of funding from the Latvian government and will start in Ethiopia and Rwanda and continue in Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In the first two rounds of the project, more than 1,000 African women entrepreneurs and future leaders were introduced to entrepreneurship, digital and financial literacy and women's leadership. In the coming year, the project aims to involve more EU institutions and universities in a joint effort to improve the workforce and entrepreneurs across the countries of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

The international forum continued with analytical discussions and presentations on the growing international role of African countries, with the participation of representatives from the European External Action Service (EEAS), the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the International Crisis Group (ICG). Despite the fact that 12 of the world's 20 fastest growing economies are in Africa, the discussion concluded that the continent is currently not represented proportionately in the international system. Emphasizing the need to ensure equal and fair geographical representation, Latvia stands for the reform of the UN Security Council, offering additional seats to African countries as well. Professor Jkobsone Bellomi also contributed to the report Latvia and African countries: starting a new path by the Center for Geopolitical Studies of Latvia.

Within the framework of the forum, Professor Jkobsone Bellomi and representatives of Latvian institutions and enterprises met with Mrs. Jutta Urpilainen, EU Commissioner for International Partnerships, to discuss Latvia's involvement in the EU Global Gateway initiative to connect Latvia and EU countries with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and countries of the East Middle and African.




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