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African Vaccine Production Accelerator (AVMA)

African Vaccine Production Accelerator (AVMA)


Eligibility criteria

AVMA incentives are intended for vaccines produced in Africa. The Gavi Board adopted a set of AVMA Terms, which define key elements of the AVMA including the eligibility criteria that a vaccine must meet to qualify for AVMA incentives. Please see the AVMA Guide to Manufacturers for more details.


All vaccines included in the Gavis portfolio are eligible for Accelerator payments. AVMA priority vaccines and all vaccines in the Gavis portfolio that are manufactured in AVMA Priority Technology Platforms are also eligible for Milestone payments and Accelerator payments at a higher rate (see Incentive values ​​tab above). These priorities have been established to support the supply of vaccines that would be complementary to the health of the market at the global level, or otherwise be of strategic importance to the African continent.

of AVMA priority vaccines are:

  • Oral cholera
  • Malaria
  • Measles-rubella
  • hexavalent (wP)
  • Yellow fever
  • Ebola (AVMA Priority only with the following required profile: indication against at least two Ebola strains and improved thermal stability from -20C)
  • Rotavirus (AVMA Priority only with the following required profile: single-dose puff-fill-seal presentation)
  • Pneumococcus (only with AVMA priority with the following required profile: minimum 13-valent)

More information on priority vaccine markets can be found on the Vaccine Markets Dashboard.

of AVMA Priority Technology Platforms are:

Other important details are provided in the AVMA Guide to Manufacturers.

Incentive values

AVMA has a tiered incentive structure designed to align with AVMA's objectives, with the following incentive values ​​for Milestone and Accelerator payments (subject to caps (See Funding limits tab above):

Historical payment

  • USD 25 million: any Gavi portfolio vaccine whose drug substance is produced in Africa on an AVMA Priority technology platform (ie mRNA or viral vector)
  • US$20 million: AVMA priority vaccines whose drug substance is produced in Africa
  • USD 10 million: AVMA priority vaccines for which only filling and finishing takes place in Africa

Producers may receive only one Milestone payment per eligible vaccine. For example, manufacturers that complete both the drug substance and completion completion steps will only receive the drug substance incentive payment (either drug substance on the AVMA priority platform at $25 million or AVMA priority vaccine on any other platform at $20 million dollars).

Accelerator payment

  • USD 0.50 per dose: any Gavi portfolio vaccine whose drug substance is produced in Africa on an AVMA Priority technology platform (ie mRNA or viral vector)
  • USD 0.50 per dose: AVMA priority vaccines whose medicinal substance is produced in Africa
  • USD 0.40 per dose: any other vaccine in the Gavi portfolio whose drug substance is produced in Africa
  • USD 0.30 per dose: any Gavi portfolio vaccine for which only filling and finishing takes place in Africa, up to a cap of USD 1.00 per vial

Manufacturers may receive only the highest applicable Accelerator payment for each eligible dose of vaccine delivered. For example, manufacturers that perform both the drug substance and fill and finish steps will only receive the drug substance incentive payment for each dose delivered (at $0.50 or $0.40).

Other important details are provided in the AVMA Guide to Manufacturers.

Procurement route

Since AVMA's inception, only vaccines that have been procured through successful UNICEF tenders (and meet all other criteria) are eligible for Accelerator payments. The integration of a future joint procurement mechanism established on the African continent may also be considered at a later stage, where the process and decision are subject to determination in accordance with the governance arrangements of the AVMAs.

Other important details are provided in the AVMA Guide to Manufacturers.

Funding limits

To ensure the diversification of funds disbursed by AVMAs, a set of restrictions has been created as part of the design of AVMAs. The limits set the maximum amount that can be disbursed by the AVMA per manufacturer, per vaccine category, as Milestone payments, and for all payments made in connection with filled and finished vaccines. These restrictions are intended to ensure that AVMA funding primarily stimulates the production of drug substances, as well as a diverse and basic vaccine/platform manufacturer across the continent. Historical payments are limited to ensure sufficient funds to help manufacturers bring their product to market. Therefore, the disbursement limits are set as follows:

  • USD 250 million per manufacturer (through Milestone and Accelerator payments cumulatively), of which $50 million for fill and finish vaccines alone
  • USD 300 million per vaccine category/market
  • USD 250 million in total milestone payments over the lifetime of AVMA
  • $250 million for vaccines just for filling and finishing
  • The overall mechanism is limited to the net funds raised for AVMA, deducting operating costs incurred.

Other important details are provided in the AVMA Guide to Manufacturers.




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