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IUP Students Selected for Competitive International Study Awards – IUP Now

IUP Students Selected for Competitive International Study Awards – IUP Now


Two students at Indiana University of Pennsylvania have been selected for national, competitive study abroad scholarships.

Shania Coshey

Shanya Coshey, an Asian studies and anthropology double major from Manor, has been selected for a Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship and Dilan Dybus, an Asian studies major from Cresson, has been selected for a Freeman Asia Award. The scholarships will fund the students' one-year studies at Kansai Gaidai University in Hirakata, Japan. Kansai Gaidai has an exchange agreement with IUP.

Coshey is the twenty-second recipient of the Gilman Scholarship from IUP and Dybus is the eleventh recipient of IUP's Freeman-ASIA Scholarship.

The Gilman Scholarship is awarded by the United States Department of State and is established by the Institute of International Education. It enables undergraduate students receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at two- or four-year colleges to study or intern abroad in a variety of disciplines at a university of their choice. Recipients are selected from a pool of candidates from colleges and universities across the country based on their academic performance and a competitive application.

The Freeman Awards for Study in Asia offers scholarships to American undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia. Freeman-ASIA is sponsored by the Freeman Foundation, a private foundation with the goal of strengthening the bonds of friendship between the United States and the countries of East Asia.

Dylan Dybus

Coshey, a member of the IUP Cook Honors College, is the child of Heather Coshey and Nathan Coshey and is a 2022 graduate of Hempfield Area Senior High School. Coshey was president of the Asian Studies Club during the 2023–24 academic year and is a member and former treasurer of the IUP Fencing Club.

“I'm curious and I love to learn, two things that have led me to learn about cultures around the globe,” Coshey said. “When I became an Asian studies major, I knew I wanted to take education outside the classroom; I aspired to learn about other cultures by immersing myself in them. I am grateful for the Gilman scholarship because it allows me to realize my ambitions and take my studies of Japan to Japan itself. I am also very grateful to my academic advisors for their endless support in my study abroad journey.”

Dybus, son of Cheri Eger and the late Theodore Dybus, is a 2022 graduate of Penn Cambria High School. He is the vice president of the Chinese Language and Culture Club and the Asian Studies Club, and is a member of the Japanese Student Association and the Korean Cultural Interest Association. Both students did community service at Karmê Chöling, a Buddhist meditation retreat center in Vermont, through the Alternative Spring Break program.

“The Freeman-ASIA Scholarship is a game changer by allowing me to have a full study abroad experience in Japan,” said Dybus. “The scholarship will ease many financial burdens so that I can pursue my interests more vigorously. I hope to develop my language skills and cultural understanding while studying at Kansai Gaidai. “Becoming a beneficiary of this scholarship is only possible because of the International Education Office's notification of this opportunity and the continued support of my professors and academic advisors,” he said.




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