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DeChambeau wins new fans with his | News, Sports, Jobs

DeChambeau wins new fans with his |  News, Sports, Jobs


By Ken Love

For the mirror

As last week's US Open play drew to a close, I started reminiscing about all the Open tournaments I've enjoyed watching over the years.

The first time I remember watching this tournament was in 1980, when I was on the edge of my seat rooting for Jack Nicklaus to win a record fourth US Open title at Baltusrol.

I've watched every US Open since then, and some of the other championships that stand out to me are Payne Stewart's emotional victory in 1999 and Tiger Woods' impressive victories in 2000 and 2008.

While each was exciting in its own way, last week's US Open victory by Bryson DeChambeau might just be the most exciting US Open of all.

Sunday's final round turned into an epic duel between PGA star Rory McIlroy and DeChambeau, a matchup you simply couldn't take your eyes off.

I've always found it easy to root for the likable McIlroy, so it was heartbreaking to see him miss a few short shots late on Sunday, killing any chance of victory.

It's especially difficult, as it's starting to feel like McIlroy may never win another major.

As for DeChambeau, I've never been a big fan. My opinion of him seemed to change, however, as the weekend went on. I was surprised to find myself starting to root for him. Throughout the tournament, DeChambeau actually seemed more humble than in years past.

Furthermore, he seemed to be playing with more joy and excitement than any of the other players in contention. Throughout Sunday's ninth inning, DeChambeau bumped fists and interacted with fans.

He even stopped to sign a few autographs between holes during the heat of Sunday's competition, something I've never seen before.

In the end, DeChambeau hit an epic sand shot on the 72nd hole to seal his amazing victory, a golf shot that fans will remember for a long time.

His emotional victory actually capped off one of the best days the game of golf has seen in recent memory.

West Penn amateur

The 124th West Penn Amateur was held last Monday and Tuesday at Chartiers Country Club west of Pittsburgh. The winner was Oakmont Country Club's Nathan Piatt with a 54-hole total of 8-under 202.

Sinking Valley's Andrew Ferguson qualified and shot rounds of 77 and 71 to make the 36-hole cut. His third round score of 74 was good enough for an impressive 24th place finish. Summit's Cody Trabert also played well to qualify for this championship, but ultimately missed the cut.

Pittsburgh Open

Iron Masters' Nick Baum qualified for entry into this year's Pittsburgh Open (scheduled for Monday and Tuesday at the Pittsburgh Field Club).

Baum, a recent Central High School graduate, shot an impressive round of 71 at Nemacolin's Shepherd's Rock course last weekend to earn his spot in the Tri-State PGA event.

85 years ago

During the third week of June 1939, two holes were scored on the same hole at Park Hills Country Club.

While playing a Saturday afternoon match at the clubhouse, Altoona's Charley McEldowney hit an ace on Park Hills' sixth hole.

On the same four, Montrose “Red” McMahon jokingly asked if “the cup would hold more than two balls” before amazingly extending his tee shot!

Ken Love covers local golf for the Mirror. He can be reached at [email protected].

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