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Yellowknife celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day

Yellowknife celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day


Thousands of people gathered at Yellowknife's Somba K'e Civic Plaza to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day on Friday.

The North Slave Metis Alliance (NSMA) hosted the annual Yellowknife celebration, which included a fish fry, live music and a dance performance by the Edmonton Mtis Traditional Dancers.

“Today, each of us celebrates our indigenous culture,” said North Slave Metis Alliance President Mark Whitford during his opening remarks, welcoming all who came to the event.

Dettah Chief Ernest Betsina also spoke, saying “this is our day” and asked those in attendance to use the celebration as an opportunity to learn more about Indigenous history, including the history of Yellowknife.

people with traditional belts pose for photos
Event organizer Joanne Taylor posed for a photo with the Edmonton Metis Traditional Dancers. (Sarah Krymalowski/CBC)

Joanne Taylor has organized the annual fish fry since 2012. In that time, she has seen attendance grow from a few hundred people a year to about 5,000 to 7,000 people now, she said.

“It's great. It's great to see so many people come out,” Taylorsaid.

To feed all those people, she said the North Slave Metis Alliance ordered about 2,000 pieces of fish, cut to serve about 6,000 or 7,000. They also bought 30 whole boxes of corn for the parties.

The woman shows the plate of food, smiles
“It's so important for everyone to know about Indigenous people and how they lived and their ancestors and what they taught you and all these beautiful things that you grew up with,” said Joan McCallum. (Sarah Krymalowski/CBC)

Troy Gargan was only able to spend a few hours on his lunch break from his job as a carpenter, but said he was enjoying the scenery and the ride.

Gargan lives in Fort Providence and is only in Yellowknife for a few months for work. It was the first time he participated in the National Day of Indigenous Peoples celebrations in the capital.

In Fort Providence, he said a fishing derby, sleight of hand, was planned.

“I really miss home, my friends and family, my little son, my mom, everyone else,” he said, “But I'm having a good time here.”

The man in the work shirt and sunglasses smiled
Troy Gargan left the National Indigenous People's Day celebrations in Yellowknife on his lunch break. (Sarah Krymalowski/CBC)

Participant Joan McCallum was visiting Yellowknife from Cambridge Bay, Nunavut.

At home, she said the community usually gathers for an outdoor gathering and meal to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day.

It was only his second time attending the party in Yellowknife. She said it was “very exciting” to see so many people from all over celebrating their Indigenous heritage together.

“It's very important for everyone to know the indigenous people and how they lived and the ancestors and what they taught you and all these beautiful things that you grew up with,” she said.




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