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Mississippi Restoration Project Receives International Award | Coast


Hancock County Marsh Living Shoreline, one of the Mississippi Trusts Enforcement GroupWetland, coastal and nearshore habitat restoration projects received international recognition at the 35th PIANC World Congress. PIANC is the World Association for Water Transport Infrastructure and awards a number of honors at its annual congress, including the Working with Nature award. The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) was ranked second worldwide for its efforts to protect and restore the Hancock County Coastal Preserve, Mississippi's largest salt marsh.

Working with Nature, according to PIANC, is an international initiative to promote a proactive and integrated approach to sustainable navigation infrastructure projects that provides mutually beneficial and win-win solutions. Other honorees in the Working with Nature category were projects in Spain and Brazil.

The project has six construction phases. The first three phases involved the construction of six miles of breakwaters to reduce incoming wave energy and protect the existing marsh complex. The project is exceeding the anticipated restoration benefits. The area has historically experienced coastal erosion at a rate of 6 to 10 feet per year. Since the completion of the existing aqueduct structures, the project has helped slow and even reverse soil loss. Despite the 13 tropical storms that have directly impacted the project area since the breakwaters were completed in 2018, some breakwater-protected areas have gained an additional 1.5 to 4 feet of land.

The fourth phase included a 46-hectare reef built of limestone shoal in Heron Bay, providing vital habitat for oysters and other marine animals. The most recent reef monitoring data indicate that average densities of bivalves (approximately half of which are oysters) have exceeded project goals. The ongoing fifth phase of the project involves the construction of a new marsh. The 46-acre marsh made beneficial use of dredged material from Port Bienville and the Pearl River and is scheduled to receive additional dredged sediment from Bayou Caddy.

The sixth phase of the Living Shoreline Project will involve the construction of approximately two more miles of living shoreline. Funding for this project is included Deep water horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment through the Mississippi Trustee Enforcement Group and RESTORE Act funding totaling $65.5 million. The co-implementing administrators for this project are MDEQ and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Watch this informative video for a glimpse of the Hancock County Marsh and Living Shoreline Project.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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