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US News Releases 2024-2025 Top Global University Rankings

US News Releases 2024-2025 Top Global University Rankings



The newest edition evaluates schools from more than 100 countries.

Washington, DC June 25, 2024 US News & World Report, the global authority on consumer education and advice rankings, today released its 2024-2025 The best global universities rankings, which evaluate more than 2,250 schools for academic research and reputation.

The new edition includes universities from more than 100 countries. The following countries have the most schools in the overall ranking:

  • China: 396
  • United States: 283
  • Japan: 112
  • India: 109
  • United Kingdom: 96

“The Best Global Universities ranking provides a starting point for students to compare universities around the globe, within their region, and even by specific discipline,” said LaMont Jones, Ed.D., managing editor for Education at US News. In their tenth year, the rankings have expanded to include more schools and more subjects, providing a focus on the reputation of researchers and institutions that prioritize cutting-edge research.

This edition adds four new subject ranges: ecology; green and sustainable science and technology; Environmental engineering; and marine and freshwater biology.

Powered by Web of Science data and InCites metrics provided by Clarivate, a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, Top Global Universities methodology weighs factors that measure universities' global and regional research reputation and academic research performance. For the overall ranking, this includes bibliometric indicators such as publications, citations and international collaboration. Each of the 51 subject rankings has its own weight based on academic research performance in that specific area.

2024-2025 US News & World Report Best Global Universities

Best Global Universities Overall, Top 10

  1. Harvard University (USA)
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
  3. Stanford University (USA)
  4. University of Oxford (UK)
  5. University of California Berkeley (USA)
  6. University of Cambridge (UK)
  7. University College London (UK; tie)
  8. University of Washington (USA; tie)
  9. Columbia University (USA)
  10. California Institute of Technology (USA)

Africa – Top 3

  1. University of Cape Town (South Africa)
  2. University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)
  3. Cairo University (Egypt)

Asia – Top 3

  1. Tsinghua University (China)
  2. National University of Singapore
  3. Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Australia/New Zealand – Top 3

  1. University of Melbourne (Australia)
  2. University of Sydney
  3. Monash University (Australia)

Europe – Top 3

  1. University of Oxford (UK)
  2. University of Cambridge (UK)
  3. University College London

Latin America – Top 3

  1. University of São Paulo (Brazil)
  2. State University of Campinas (Brazil)
  3. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

The top global university rankings serve US News' broader mission of providing reliable information and rankings such as The best secondary schools, The best colleges AND The best programs on the Internet to empower all students to make informed choices about their education.

For more information on Best Global Universities, visit X (formerly Twitter), TIK Tok, Facebook AND Instagram using #BestGlobal.
Media contact: Jeanette Perez Colby, [email protected], 202-955-2118.

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US News & World Report is the global leader in quality rankings that empower consumers, business leaders and policymakers to make better, more informed decisions about important issues that affect their lives and communities. A multi-faceted digital media company with Education, Health, Money, Travel, Auto, News, Real Estate and 360 Reviews platforms, US News offers rankings, independent reporting, data journalism, consumer advice and US News events Live. More than 40 million people visit it monthly for research and guidance. Founded in 1933, US News is headquartered in Washington, DC

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