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We call on Israel to allow humanitarian aid to enter Gaza through all crossing points: UK statement to the UN Security Council

We call on Israel to allow humanitarian aid to enter Gaza through all crossing points: UK statement to the UN Security Council


First, let me begin by reaffirming the UK's commitment to the principles embodied in UN Security Council resolution 2334, which serves as a clear reinforcement of international support for a two-state solution. The suffering we have seen since the horrific attacks of October 7 underscore the importance, more than ever, of a diplomatic solution to this conflict that guarantees the safety and security of the Israeli and Palestinian people. We call for the immediate release of all remaining hostages, including the return of those who have died in captivity, and are appalled by reports of sexual violence and abuse. The UK stands firm in condemning these heinous acts. The best way to get the hostages out is to make a deal. We also call on Israel to allow humanitarian aid to enter Gaza through all crossing points immediately and to guarantee non-conflict for aid convoys and other humanitarian work. We echo the Secretary-General's tribute to the UN workers who have tragically lost their lives in this conflict and call on Israel to ensure the protection of UN facilities and staff. The integrity of the UN and its ability to act is paramount. It serves as a lifeline for many innocent civilians affected by this conflict.

Secondly, the UK remains deeply concerned by the indiscriminate firing of rockets at Israeli population centers, as highlighted in the Secretary-General's report. This must stop. We also note with concern the continued construction of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. We are clear: these settlements are illegal under international law. We reiterate our call on Israel to immediately and completely halt all settlement activities. We condemn the human rights abuses and incitement to violence against Palestinian communities in the West Bank, where the UK has taken action, in the form of sanctions, against a number of those individuals and groups responsible. We are also deeply concerned by the suspension of revenue transfers from Israel to the Palestinian Authority and the risks to correspondent banking relationships. Such measures undermine the chances for peace, security and stability.

Finally, Mr President, as the UK has said all along, a negotiated pause in fighting leading to a lasting ceasefire, without a return to fighting, is the best way to secure the release of the hostages, enabling a significant increase in much needed humanitarian aid and leads to a permanent solution to this issue. An agreement is now on the table, approved by this Council in resolution 2735, to achieve these goals. The onus is on Hamas to accept it and end the suffering of the Palestinian people and the remaining hostages. We must then work towards a credible and irreversible path to a two-state solution of Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security for both nations and the wider region.




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