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5 Important Takeaways from US News & World Report 20242025 World's Best University Rankings

5 Important Takeaways from US News & World Report 20242025 World's Best University Rankings


This morning, US News and World Report released their long-awaited 2024-2025 Best Global University Rankings. These annual rankings are a cornerstone in the field, influencing decisions ranging from student applications to institutional funding and providing a glimpse into the current state of affairs in the world of higher education. This list can provide useful insight into the relative merits of schools that students may consider adding to their college lists. However, to use this list effectively, it is important to understand the nuances of the ranking system and the factors considered in it.

Here's an overview of the ranking methodology, as well as highlights from this years list:


of US News and World Report The Best Global University Rankings are based on a comprehensive methodology that evaluates colleges and universities across thirteen key metrics. This includes:

  • Global research reputation (12.5%)
  • Regional research reputation (12.5%)
  • Publications (10%)
  • Books (2.5%)
  • Conference (2.5%)
  • Normalized citation impact (10%)
  • Total citations (7.5%)
  • Number of publications that are among the 10% most cited (12.5%)
  • Percentage of total publications that are among the 10% most cited (10%)
  • International cooperation in relation to the country (5%)
  • International cooperation (5%)
  • Number of highly cited papers that are among the 1% most cited in their respective field 5%
  • Percentage of total publications that are among 1% of the most cited papers 5%

In addition to the overall global rankings and country-specific rankings, US News and World Report published a ranking list for specific subjects, evaluating global rankings of schools in over 50 individual disciplines.

These rankings provide quantitative data that students can consider when building their college lists, providing a fairly complete picture of universities' academic prowess and institutional reach. That said, students using the rankings to build their college lists should keep in mind that many of these factors do not capture the qualitative aspects of student experiences.

Top Relationships from Rankings 202425

1. The number of considered universities increased by more than 10%.

This year, 2250 universities in over 100 countries accounted for more than ten percent of the 2,000 schools considered in the previous ranking.

2. Harvard University comes out on top.

As in the previous cycle, Harvard University took first place in the global ranking list. This prestigious award reflects Harvard's unparalleled academic excellence, innovative research and global impact. Known for its distinguished faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and tradition of innovation, Harvard continues to set the standard in higher education, making it the top choice for students and scholars around the world.

3. The USA dominates the ranking for another year.

Almost half of the top 50 schools in the ranking are located in the US, a total of 24 of the top 50 schools on the ranking list. In addition, four of the top five are American schools: Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley. This remarkable achievement underscores the global prestige of American universities, known for their world-class research, innovative academic programs and extensive resources.

4. UT Austin and Brown University fell in the rankings.

Both Brown University and the University of Texas at Austin surprisingly fell in the rankings, falling out of the top 50. Given the excellence of both schools, this change shows the fierce competition for the top spots in the rankings this year.

5. US News and World Report adds new subjects to the list.

This year, four new disciplines were added to the subject rankings, including: ecology; green and sustainable science and technology; Environmental engineering; and marine and freshwater biology. These additions not only demonstrate the ranking systems' commitment to reflect the most relevant information in higher education today, but also provide a glimpse into recent trends and changes in disciplinary offerings at the world's most prestigious universities.

20242025 US News and World Report The rankings provide students with valuable information about trends in the global higher education landscape. While students must consider their personal preferences and the intangible elements of a school culture that attract them to a specific school, these rankings can be a helpful first step for students as they set their collegiate goals and assemble lists. their college.




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