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Support for the OSCE is more important than ever: UK statement to the OSCE

Support for the OSCE is more important than ever: UK statement to the OSCE


Thank you, Madam President. Thank you and the Secretary General for your leadership in such challenging circumstances. Let me start by reiterating the UK's unwavering support for Ukraine.

President, we meet together in this forum for the third time since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, an invasion that has fundamentally changed the European security landscape. The facts are worth repeating:

Russia started this war and bears sole responsibility for it. With the support of Belarus, Russia has violated the UN Charter and violated the core principles of the OSCE. The principles for the non-use of force, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and the protection of basic human rights and freedoms. That is why Ukrainians fight the issues for each of us in this room.

As Russia began this war, so it can end it. And yet, Russia is now in its third year of a war fueled by North Korea, Iran and China, and callously throwing Russian lives at the front. Ukraine has reclaimed almost 40,000 square kilometers of its territory. Ukraine has damaged or destroyed nearly a quarter of Russia's Black Sea fleet. Marine exports of Ukraine have resumed. All this is a testament to the bravery and resilience of the Ukrainian people, who did not ask for this war, but are determined to prevail – and surely will.

Chairman, together with our allies and partners, we continue to stand up to Russian aggression across Europe and repeatedly in this room, challenging the lies with which the illegal occupation is justified and the barbaric behavior with which it is carried out. Russia has no defense against these challenges, its war shows contempt for both the UN Charter and the principles of the OSCE. Faced with the facts, Russia continues to weaponize the principle of OSCE consensus, blocking even the most basic meetings of the Forum for Security Cooperation, preventing fair discussion of its occupation of Ukraine.

Such tactics only reinforce Russia's isolation and desperation. In contrast, Ukraine and over 50 of its partners stood together in support of Ukraine's self-defense earlier this month in Switzerland.

Chairman, at times like these, our support for the OSCE is more important than ever, and I am happy to reiterate the UK's commitment to the OSCE and the principles it stands for: from the Vienna Document to the Moscow Mechanism.

From Central Asia to the South Caucasus to the Western Balkans, the OSCE continues to demonstrate its value every day. Those decades of experience in supporting states to manage and resolve conflicts through its toolbox, missions and instruments are all valuable and can help Ukraine rebuild and recover. All continue to be relevant to the wider OSCE region.

Chairman, we continue to support the OSCE's efforts to achieve peaceful solutions to the protracted conflicts in Georgia and Moldova. We welcome the progress between Armenia and Azerbaijan and call on both sides to seize the opportunity to reach a lasting peace agreement.

Next year we will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act. This historic agreement constitutes the foundation of the OSCE. Ten core principles that have never been more important than they are today. Ten principles that Russia blatantly and repeatedly violates in Ukraine. Ten principles that the rest of us remain solemnly committed to uphold.

President, Russia's efforts to undermine and weaken Europe's security will fail. The OSCE remains unique. The OSCE matters and with all our support, the OSCE will remain. Thank you.




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