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USW Canada | Unity and Strength for Workers

USW Canada |  Unity and Strength for Workers


Salmon Farming Rally

Last week, the federal government announced the closure of open net fish farms along the coast of British Columbia. In five years, this decision will affect the livelihoods of hundreds of workers, including 130 workers at the Mowi Port Hardy Processing Plant and those at the Noboco Styro packaging plant in Campbell River. The Union of Steelworkers (USW) Local 1-1937 represents workers at these plants, while USW Local 2009 represents related operations in the Lower Mainland.

With no consultation with affected workers and communities, the federal government is promising a transition plan later this summer.

The federal government must demonstrate that it has immediate funding and support to care for workers and families affected by the move to captive or alternative aquaculture, said Scott Lunny, USW Director for Western Canada and Territories. Traditional worker support for training and transition is insufficient and fails to address the needs of coastal communities. Announcing the closure without detailing a commitment to maintaining real jobs in these communities, including those involving First Nations in the aquaculture industry, is short-sighted and irresponsible.

The USW expressed concern that the closures will increase the challenges facing small coastal communities, which already struggle to recruit and retain workers.

Working people fear that distant decision-makers who have never visited their communities are ill-equipped to understand the impact of losing jobs like those in aquaculture. The federal government can either confirm these fears or support their transition plan with significant investment, infrastructure and support. Either way, they will be held accountable by workers and communities, Lunny added.

About the United Steelworkers union

The USW represents 225,000 members in almost every economic sector across Canada and is the largest private sector union in North America, with 850,000 members in Canada, the United States and the Caribbean.

Every year, thousands of workers choose to join the USW because of the union's strong history of creating healthier, safer and more respectful workplaces and negotiating better working conditions and fairer compensation , including good wages, benefits and pensions.

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