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DVIDS – News – Coast Guard Games Shines at First International Esports Tournament at Ramstein Air Force Base

DVIDS – News – Coast Guard Games Shines at First International Esports Tournament at Ramstein Air Force Base


Rocket League Gaming's Coast Guard team took second place at the Allied Forces Esports Invitational 2024, marking their debut on the international esports scene. Hosted at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, the event brought together military esports teams from three allied countries for an exciting weekend filled with competitive games, camaraderie and cultural exchange.

AFEI featured teams from the United States, United Kingdom and France, and was designed to foster teamwork and partnership building between the military branches. Esports has gained significant traction in armed forces around the world, providing a unique platform for service members to showcase their strategic skills and adaptability in a competitive yet collaborative environment. This event not only highlighted the growing importance of esports in military culture, but also demonstrated how games can bridge gaps and strengthen alliances between international military communities.

This event brought people from different parts of the world together because of a common interest, said Petty Officer 2nd Class Christian Rocha, a culinary specialist at Coast Guard Station Freeport, Texas. I have met friends and made memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life because of her.

With the Coast Guard expanding its presence in the European Union, this event proved particularly useful for establishing recruitment efforts in the region.

I am extremely impressed by the level of professionalism displayed at the Allied Forces Esports Invitational, said Petty Officer 1st Class Alan Purcell, an aviation maintenance technician and recruiter stationed at the Coast Guard Europe Recruiting Office. It shows that members can still pursue their hobbies while also securing a stable career.

Spectators, both in person and online, were treated to a thrilling display of skills as teams competed in Rocket League, a mix of soccer and vehicular aerobatics. The object of the game is to control the rocket cars and hit a ball into your opponent's net. Coast Guard Gaming quickly made a name for themselves, beating teams all the way to the grand finals, where they faced the US Air Force.

Purcell said the skills players need to compete at this level translate directly to many positions in the Coast Guard — such as operating weapons systems remotely from inside a ship. Multitasking and making quick, critical decisions in stressful situations is an important skill in the Coast Guard.

Beyond the intense matches, members of the Coast Guard Games bonded with their counterparts from other nations through shared meals, friendly scrimmages and off-duty activities. These interactions highlighted the universal language of gaming and the shared experiences of military life.

While they didn't take home the championship trophy, the teams' participation marked an important milestone for the Coast Guard and paved the way for future international esports engagements.

This was an incredible opportunity and gave us the chance to showcase the skill and dedication that defines the Coast Guard, said Rocha.

Date of receipt: 25.06.2024
Post date: 25.06.2024 19:44
Story ID: 474837

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