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Tampa joins Elite Group in Bloomberg Philanthropies City Data Alliance

Tampa joins Elite Group in Bloomberg Philanthropies City Data Alliance


Mayor Jane Castor has been elected to join Bloomberg Philanthropies' City Data Alliance, joining forces with 22 other mayors from regions including North America, South America and the Caribbean.

Through this Alliance, Tampa will receive support in operational and technical areas, focusing on using data and artificial intelligence to assess community needs, improve municipal services and set policy. These efforts are aimed at improving government operations in areas such as affordable housing and public safety.

Mayor Castor and her counterparts will participate in a two-day summit beginning today, June 27, hosted at Johns Hopkins University. During this event, the program's new mayors representing nine countries and over eight million inhabitants will collaborate with international mayors and experts in data, innovation, technology and urban policy.

“Joining the Bloomberg Philanthropies City Data Alliance is a big step for the City of Tampa. By improving data collaboration across departments, we can allocate resources more effectively and better address the needs of communities ours. said Mayor Jane Castor. This initiative ensures that our city's future will be driven by strategic, data-informed decision-making that will help transform the Tampa of tomorrow.”

Through the City Data Alliance, more cities are now using data across city agencies to tackle their toughest challenges, from expanding affordable housing to improving public transportation. said Michael R. Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Philanthropies and the 108th mayor of New York City. Today we were happy to welcome 23 more cities to our program and provide them with the tools, support and connections they need to take advantage of emerging technologies and put data to work on behalf of their residents.

Cities that are harnessing the tremendous amount of data out there are better positioned to understand the needs of residents, come up with innovative solutions and lead from the ground up when it comes to artificial intelligence, he said. James Anderson, who leads the Government Innovation program at Bloomberg Philanthropies. The mayors of these 23 cities want to put their municipal governments in the driver's seat when it comes to leveraging data, and Bloomberg Philanthropies' City Data Alliance will help them develop the policies and practices to do so.

The 23 new mayors of the Bloomberg Philanthropies City Data Alliance include:


Dominican Republic:

  • President Carolina Meja of Santo Domingo, DR


  • Chairman Richard Vernon of Montego Bay, JAM



  • Mayor Dawn Arnold of Moncton, New Brunswick
  • Mayor Rob Burton of Oakville, Ontario
  • Speaker Mark Sutcliffe of Ottawa, Ontario

United States:

  • Chairman Matthew Tuerk of Allentown, PA
  • Mayor Kelly Girtz of Athens-Clarke County, GA
  • Chairman Eric Genrich of Green Bay, WI
  • Chairman Jon Mitchell of New Bedford, MA
  • Chairman Justin Elicker of New Haven, CT
  • Chairman Andr Sayegh of Paterson, NJ
  • Chairman Eduardo Martinez of Richmond, CA
  • Chairman Matthew Mahan of San Jose, CA
  • Mayor Jane Castor of Tampa, FL
  • Chairman John Carli of Vacaville, CA



  • Mayor Esteban Allasino of Lujn de Cuyo, AR
  • Mayor Ram Lans of San Isidro, AR
  • Chairwoman Rossana Chahla of San Miguel de Tucumn, AR
  • Mayor Diego Valenzuela of Tres de Febrero, AR


  • Mayor Pablo Silva Perez of San Fernando, CL


  • President Jorge Humberto Rivas Urrea of ​​Rionegro, COL


  • Mayor Ricardo Quinez Lemus of Guatemala City, GT


  • President Gabriel Antonio Madrid Ore of Piura, PE

As artificial intelligence advances rapidly, so does the opportunity for local governments to put it to work for the benefit of residents. said Amy Holmes, Executive Director of the Bloomberg Center for Government Excellence at Johns Hopkins University. However, to do this effectively, it is required that municipalities have a foundation to guide the way data is collected, shared and used through which the promise of new technologies can be exploited. The Bloomberg Philanthropies City Data Alliance of the most committed data-driven mayors across America brings the sophistication and standards to municipalities so they can use every tool at their disposal to transform the way their governments operate. them, and we are delighted to welcome these 23 new cities and support them. in all they will be able to do.




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