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At least 557,000 women in Gaza are facing severe food insecurity

At least 557,000 women in Gaza are facing severe food insecurity


The situation is particularly worrying for mothers and older women, who often prioritize feeding others over themselves and report greater difficulty accessing food than men, leading many to skip meals or reduce taking them to make sure their children are fed. In the midst of conflict, women's care burdens are increased, their access to services is limited, their health and food security are at risk, and they face higher risks of being subjected to all types of violence with gender basis.

Here are five key facts that explain how food insecurity affects women in Gaza, based on a recent UN survey of women across the Gaza Strip1:

  1. Burden of care: Women struggle to protect their children's physical and mental well-being while shouldering increased caregiving and home responsibilities, especially in overcrowded tents and households. Seventy-seven percent of male and female respondents reported that child care, including feeding and physical care, is primarily the mother's responsibility.
  2. Physical health and weight loss: Food insecurity and malnutrition are widespread in Gaza. Seven out of 10 women interviewed by UN Women reported weight loss in the past 30 days, and more than half experience frequent dizziness.
  3. Food aid: Over 80 percent of female respondents rely on food aid as their main source of food, yet 87.3 percent believe that food aid is not distributed fairly based on family size. Previous evidence gathered by UN Women suggests that mothers often eat last and less, skipping meals to feed their children. Also, 83.5 percent stated that the aid did not meet their family needs.
  4. Complications in pregnancy, birth and after birth: Pregnant and lactating women face increased health risks due to inadequate medical care and nutrition. Seventy-six percent of pregnant women reported anemia, and 99 percent face challenges accessing necessary nutritional products and supplements, endangering the health of mothers and babies. Among families with breastfeeding mothers, 55 percent reported that health conditions hindered their ability to breastfeed, and 99 percent faced challenges in providing enough breast milk, compromising infant survival, growth, and development.
  5. Kitchen access and unsafe cooking methods: Only a third of respondents reported having access to a kitchen where they could cook meals. Additionally, 69 percent rely on unsafe cooking methods, such as using wood and other waste materials, which increase health risks. Women, who are traditionally involved in preparing meals, are exposed to hazardous fumes and pollutants, leading to respiratory and other health problems.

When we lived in Gaza City, because of the war, we suddenly had no more food, said a 16-year-old girl interviewed as part of the UN Women survey. There were no vegetables and food at all in the market. We had to eat the worst things.

For example, white flour was not available; we had to mix wheat flour with animal feed, she said. Since it was the first time we ate animal food, our stomachs hurt. Everyone was suffering from stomach ache. There were days when there was no food at all, we felt tired and exhausted. There were also no hospitals and some days we could not leave the house because of the bombings.




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