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Met reveals Tory in betting scandal could be part of criminal investigation | 2024 general election

Met reveals Tory in betting scandal could be part of criminal investigation |  2024 general election


The Metropolitan Police have revealed that ousted Tory candidate Craig Williams may be the subject of a criminal investigation into election betting that has overshadowed Rishi Sunaks' campaign.

Scotland Yard will investigate any suspicious bets that may represent misconduct in breach of public office, while the Gambling Commission will continue to investigate whether betting rules have been breached.

The prime minister has repeatedly refused to say whether he told Williams, his closest parliamentary aide, about the election date, falsely claiming it could prejudice the watchdog's investigation.

So far, five Tories are known to have been caught up in the Gambling Commission's investigation since the Guardian revealed two weeks ago that Williams had placed a 100 bet with Ladbrokes three days before Sunak announced the date.

The Conservatives have withdrawn cross-party support for Williams' campaign to be reinstated as MP for Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr after he admitted there was an election date shake-up.

During a campaign visit to Derbyshire, Sunak was repeatedly asked whether he had trusted Williams ahead of his surprise summer election announcement.

I have been clear about this. I am outraged to learn of these allegations, he said. We have launched our own independent investigations because I do not have access to the details of the gambling commissions.

The Prime Minister was told that he could not prejudge the inquiry and that he was free to answer the question. However, he replied: You will understand that while there are independent investigations going on, it is not right for me to say anything more about it.

The number of Metropolitan police officers under investigation over general election betting has risen to at least seven, the force has said.

Britain's biggest police force said it would continue to investigate a small number of bets as part of a joint investigation led by the Gambling Commission, which it said was making rapid progress.

Sources familiar with the investigation suggested the decision to hold parallel inquiries may be an attempt to quell the frenzy about MPs betting on themselves to win or lose their seats, which could be seen as reckless but is not illegal.

A Met officer, a defense officer for the prime minister, is under investigation for misconduct in public office after allegedly betting on the election date.

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The close protection officer has been released on bail and is subject to restricted duties, the Met said. He confirmed that at least seven officers were under investigation by the Mets' specialist crime command.

In a statement, the Met said most cases believed to be those without specific characteristics that could mean additional offenses would apply, such as misconduct in public office, would be investigated by the Gambling Commission.

The watchdog is also looking into bets allegedly placed by Tony Lee, the Conservative party's campaign director; his wife, Laura Saunders, the Conservative candidate for Bristol North West; and Nick Mason, Tory chief data officer.

As many as 15 Conservative candidates and officials are believed to be under investigation for questionable betting on the election date.

Andrew Rhodes, chief executive of the Gambling Commission, said: We are focused on an investigation into confidential information being used to gain an unfair advantage when betting on the date of the general election. Our enforcement team has made rapid progress so far and will continue to work closely with the Metropolitan Police to bring this case to a fair conclusion.

Det Supt Katherine Goodwin, who is leading the Met's investigation, said: We have agreed a joint approach with the Gambling Commission, who are the appropriate authority to investigate most of these allegations. However, there will be a small number of cases where a more extensive criminal investigation by the police is required. We will aim to provide updates on key points as our investigation progresses.




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