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International News | Saints pair in England to open Rugby World Cup U20

International News |  Saints pair in England to open Rugby World Cup U20


Northampton Saints players Craig Wright AND Henry Pollock have been named in England U20 Men's first match of the 23rd Rugby World Cup 2024 against Argentina this weekend.

Hooker Wright and flanker Pollock are in the starting line-up as England U20 Men take on Los Pumitas this Saturday (kick-off: 1pm UK time) at Athlone Stadium, with the match available to watch live on RugbyPass TV.

Eighteen of the matchday 23 have featured for coach Mark Mapletoft in the recent U-20 Six Nations campaign, with seven of them returning for their second Rugby World Cup U20 in South Africa this summer.

Following the announcement of the U20 men's squad, Exeter Chiefs' Louie Gulley joins the squad and replaces Newcastle Falcons' Jacob Oliver in the tournament party for the remainder of the tournament.

The road side have emerged victorious in three previous meetings with Argentina at the U20 Championship, with their last meeting in 2018 seeing Ben Curry and Marcus Smith star in a 39-18 win for England.

Looking ahead to Saturday's game, Mark Mapletoft spoke of the team's anticipation of returning to the international stage at Athlone Stadium.

“The coaches and I have been encouraged by the ownership of this group in practice,” he said.

“Their impressive effort made the selection difficult and I want to congratulate them all for their work ethic and determination. We are looking to see these high standards maintained through our substitutes, who will energize the squad during what will be a thoroughly demanding opening match against Argentina.

“Our boys are eager to take the first positive step this Saturday and continue their exemplary Brotherhood performances this week in a match scenario.”

The England U20 men's team will face Argentina

15 Ben Redshaw (Newcastle Falcons, West Park Leeds RFC, 5 games)
13 Oli Spencer (Newcastle Falcons, Epping Rams Rugby, 5 games)
12 Sean Kerr (Harlequins, Sutton and Epsom Rugby Club, 4 games)
11 Alex Wills (Sale Sharks, Droitwich Rugby Club, 7 caps)
10 Josh Bellamy (Harlequins, Rosslyn Park, 4 games)
9 Ollie Allan (Leicester Tigers, Hungerford RFC, uncapped)

1 Asher Opoku-Fordjour (Sale Sharks, Broadstreet RFC, 14 caps)
2 Craig Wright (Northampton Saints, Braintree Rugby Club, 5 games)
3 Billy Sela (Bath Rugby, Royal Wootton Bassett RFC, 5 caps)
4 Joe Bailey (Exeter Chiefs, Newton Abbot RFC, 5 caps)
5 Junior Kpoku (Racing 92, Saracens Amateurs, 4 matches)
6 Finn Carnduff (Leicester Tigers, Market Harborough RFC, 15 games) – captain
7 Henry Pollock (Northampton Saints, Buckingham Rugby Club, 5 games)
8 Nathan Michelow (Saracens, Brentwood Rugby, 10 games)

16 James Isaacs (Saracens, Hemel Hempstead Camelot RFC, 3 games)
17 Cameron Miell (Leicester Tigers, Paul Roos, no cups)
18 Afolabi Fasogbon (Gloucester Rugby, Bishop Wand School, 11 caps)
19 Olamide Sodeke (Saracens, Blackheath Rugby Club, 4 games)
20 Kane James (Exeter Chiefs, St Peters RFC, 4 games)
21 Lucas Friday (Harlequins, Bromley RFC, uncapped)
22 Benjamin Coen (Exeter Chiefs, Teignmouth RFC, uncapped)
23 Ioan Jones (Gloucester Rugby, Minchinhampton RFC, 4 games)

England U20 Men's Rugby World Cup 2024 Fixtures

  • Match 1 (June 29) – England v Argentina – Athlone Stadium – (1pm BST Kick-off)
  • Match 2 (4th July) – England v Fiji – Athlone Stadium – (3.30pm Kick-off BST)
  • Match 3 (9 July) – South Africa v England – Athlone Stadium – (6pm BST Kick-off)

Knockout matches

  • Match 4 (Sunday 14 July)
  • Match 5 (final matches and standings, Friday 19 July)




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