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International Timpani Intensive debuts at Rices Shepherd School of Music | Rice News | News and Media Relations

International Timpani Intensive debuts at Rices Shepherd School of Music |  Rice News |  News and Media Relations


For five days of musical immersion in early June, the inauguration International Timpani Intensive (ITI) brought together timpanists from around the world at Rice universities Shepherd's School of Music.

In the symphony orchestra, the timpanist is separate from all the other percussionists, said the Shepherd School associate professor. Matthew Strauss, who is also a co-founder and faculty artist-in-residence at ITI, as well as associate principal timpanist with the Houston Symphony. It is very important to have an intensive to be able to focus on it, because the timpani is composed for almost every part, while the percussion is not in every part.

The faculty boasted outstanding timpanists such as Leonardo Sotoprincipal timpanist of the Houston Symphony and co-founder of ITI; Joseph Pereiraprincipal timpanist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic; Nick Wood, recently retired from the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam; AND Jeff Luftrenowned timpani hammer maker.

The nature of our workshop is the fact that there are so many different schools of thought on how to treat this instrument, said Soto.

The faculty are just some of the best timpanists in the entire world right now, said freelance timpanist Stephanie Wilson, who traveled from North Carolina to attend ITI. It's a great opportunity to learn, hear their sounds and glean all kinds of knowledge from four of the best players and four very different players too.

ITI presented a comprehensive curriculum designed to advance the skills of participating timpanists. Activities included nine master classes presented by international faculty, private lessons and a model audition. Notably, the winner of the mock audition earned a spot on the Houston Symphony's shortlist and a guaranteed performance with the orchestra.

The attention to detail these guys pay is amazing, said Jakalin Bryant, a timpani student from Fort Valley, Georgia. Even in life just in how you present yourself, how you play, it all corresponds to each other and it's just been the biggest learning experience.

Inclusivity was a key theme of the ITI, with options for virtual participation ensuring that dozens of other timpanists around the world could participate.

The challenge specifically with the tympanum is that they are extremely large, very heavy and take up a lot of space, said the ITI co-founder. Joshua Vonderheide. There are people all over the world who simply don't have access to eardrums. We want to make sure that everyone who wants the opportunity to learn how to play the timpani has access to education at the highest level.

For the 30 or so timpanists who were able to attend in person, the intensity fostered a sense of community, which is what Boston tympani student Eli Geruschat said drew him in the first place.

I think the real thing I was after coming to ITI was to be around such a spectrum of phenomenal players who are both younger and older than me, Geruschat said. Different approaches, different places, backgrounds, playing styles, cultural backgrounds I really wanted to come and just see where I was fitting in with all of that and what I could get and gain from all the colleagues here.

The shared passion among not only the faculty, but also the other participants, is simply amazing, Wilson said when asked what he would take away from the experience. There are so many that I think it will take me a whole week to unpack them all.

Such feedback has only reinforced that the event will return for a second year, organizers Soto, Vonderheide and Strauss said.

It's a great community of people, so they were making lifelong friends, lifelong connections, Strauss said.

To learn more about ITI,Click here.




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