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Japan protests over alleged sexual assault cases involving US military in Okinawa | Military news

Japan protests over alleged sexual assault cases involving US military in Okinawa |  Military news


The latest attacks came within months of each other, fueling local anger over the continued US military presence.

Japan has lodged a protest with the United States embassy in Tokyo over at least two alleged cases of sexual assault involving US service members on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa that only recently became public.

Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Masataka Okano met with US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel on Friday, seeking disciplinary and preventive measures over the two attacks, which occurred within months of each other in December and May.

Criminal cases and accidents by US military personnel cause great anxiety to local residents and should never happen in the first place, Chief of Staff Yoshimasa Hayashi told reporters.

Prosecutors in Naha, Okinawa's capital, earlier this month charged a 21-year-old US Marine Corps member with non-consensual sex and assault allegedly committed in May, Hayashi said.

An Okinawa police spokesman said the woman was bitten in the mouth and took two weeks to fully recover. Media reports said she had also drowned.

The case came to light just days after it emerged that a 25-year-old American airman in Okinawa had been charged in March with raping a teenage girl three months earlier.

Brigadier General Nicholas Evans, commander of the 18th Wing at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, said Thursday he was deeply troubled by the severity of the allegations. I am sorry for the distress it has caused, he said.

He promised that the US military will fully cooperate with the investigation by local authorities and the courts.

Raising tensions

Both cases have sparked outrage, fueling tensions among residents over US military bases in the region. Okinawans have long complained of base-related accidents and crimes, expressing anger at the lack of disclosure.

Protesters against the US base shout slogans at a rally in front of the National Diet building in Tokyo
Demonstrators against the US base shout slogans at a rally in front of the National Diet building in Tokyo, as tens of thousands of Japanese protest against the presence of US military bases in Okinawa. [File: Shizuo Kambayashi/AP Photo]

The case involving the teenager is a reminder for many Okinawans of the 1995 rape of a 12-year-old girl by three US service members, which sparked major protests against the large US troop presence on the island.

It led to a 1996 agreement between Japan and the U.S. to close a major U.S. air station, although the plan has been delayed by protests at the site to relocate it to another part of the island.

About 50,000 US troops are stationed in Japan under a bilateral security pact, about half of them in Okinawa. The islands' strategic role is seen as increasingly important to the Japan-US military alliance in the face of rising tensions with China.




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