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The conservative minister, who placed three bets on the date of the elections, on the line for Sunak's peers 2024 general election

The conservative minister, who placed three bets on the date of the elections, on the line for Sunak's peers  2024 general election


A Tory cabinet minister who admitted placing three bets on the general election date is in line for a college as part of Rishi Sunaks final honors list, watchdog it is said.

Alister Jack, the Scottish secretary who stood down as an MP when the election was called, had been considered for inclusion in a demerger honors list drawn up in recent weeks, according to sources familiar with the process. The list is expected to be published shortly after Thursday's vote.

Jack said he had placed three bets on the date of the election, one of which was successful after the row over election betting engulfed the campaign last week.

He made it clear that he had broken no rules and was not being investigated by the Gambling Commission. The watchdog is scrutinizing bets from Westminster's election date figures.

However, figures within the party argued it would be problematic to continue with Jacks' colleagues, given the furor over the betting row and its impact on the Tory campaign. Recent discussions suggest that Jack may still be in line for an honor when the list is finally released.

Conservative sources also warned Sunak that the dissolution honors list, traditionally published at the end of a parliament, risked provoking anger in the party if he tried to use it to reward arrogant advisers and aides who have overseen an election campaign criticized as scattered with errors.

It is quite remarkable that, after criticizing Liz Truss for awarding her team gongs for failure, they will do the same, a source said.

Despite serving only 49 days as prime minister, Truss showered honors on aides and advisers, including MPs and supportive donors.

The news comes amid private complaints about Sunaks' decision to call early elections, which seem to have taken many conservative party officials by surprise.

At the time it was called, nearly 200 candidates had yet to be named, the clearest sign of how much work has gone into preparing the party for the snap election.

One of the central figures in the betting row is also understood to have been dropped from the upcoming honors list.

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Craig Williams, parliamentary assistant to Rishi Sunaks. Photo: Tracey Paddison/REX/Shutterstock

The scandal started when Guardian revealed that Craig Williams, Sunaks' parliamentary aide, was under investigation by the commission for placing a 100 bet that the election would be in July, three days before it was called.

Williams was reportedly considered for a rider before the feud arose, but has since been removed from discussions. He has described the bet as a major error of judgment and is one of two Conservative candidates to have their party's support withdrawn while the commission investigates.

Last week, Jack denied BBC reports that he had won 2,100 in an election bet, suggesting he had been joking about the idea. He later issued a statement saying he had not broken any gambling rules.

The cabinet minister said in March that he had placed two bets of 5 each on the elections to be held in May and June respectively.

He placed a bet of 20 in April at odds of 5 to 1 that the election would be held between July and September.

I did not know about the date of the elections until the day of the announcement, he said. As I have said before, I did not bet in May and I am not under investigation by the Gambling Commission.




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