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India wins the T20 World Cup, defeating South Africa for the cricket title

India wins the T20 World Cup, defeating South Africa for the cricket title


India's men's cricket team won a final match against South Africa in the Twenty20 World Cup match on Saturday, ending the country's 13-year drought in the global cricket arena.

Both India and South Africa were unbeaten going into Saturday's match in Barbados. South Africa looked like they had a chance to win the match but India thwarted the teams effort to overtake India by 176 runs.

This was India's second T20 World Cup win; the team won the inaugural T20 World Cup in 2007. It was also India's first World Cup victory in 13 years in any form of cricket, following a string of close finals matches over the past 12 months.

The boys understand when the pressure is on what to do, said Rohit Sharma, the captain of the Indian team. Today was a perfect example, [we] attached together with the spine to the wall. We wanted this so bad, so proud of the lads and management.

Cricket is the second most popular sport in the world, but many Americans are not familiar with it. T20 is an abbreviated form of the game. In a T20 match, each team has 20 overs. In each end, a pitcher (similar to a pitcher) from the opposing team throws six balls for him to hit (similar to hitting). Batsmen score runs every time they hit a ball, which count as points for the team. There are two batsmen playing at each end.

To make a run, the easiest way or maybe the hardest way to do it is to hit the ball as hard as you can so that it crosses the boundary line, which is the end of the field, said NPR producer Omkar Khandekar, Mumbai, India. Morning edition. If you can do that, then start running through what they call the field. And the more you run, the more runs you get.”

India overcame early trouble in the match

Virat Kohli, one of the best players in the team, played a key role in India's final victory over South Africa. Team India were in early trouble as they decided to bat first, they had made just 34 runs in the first five overs. This means that within the first quarter of India's timed batting, the team averaged just one run per ball.

But Kohli was able to help raise this average. When India finished batting, the score was 176-7, meaning they had made 176 runs in 120 balls and seven players were out.

India's Virat Kohli celebrates after the team's victory against South Africa in the final cricket match of the ICC Men's T20 World Cup at Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados, on Saturday.

Ricardo Mazalan / AP



India's Virat Kohli celebrates after the team's victory against South Africa in the final cricket match of the ICC Men's T20 World Cup at Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados, on Saturday.

Kohli announced at the end of the game that this would be his last time playing in the T20 World Cup.

This was my last T20 World Cup, and that is what we wanted to achieve, Kohli said. I got the job done for the team on the day it mattered. It's time for the next generation to take over, some great players will take the team forward and keep the flag flying high.

Kohli put in an amazing performance in his last match, scoring what is known as a half-century in cricket, which is when a batsman scores 50 runs while his team is batting.

South Africa's Tabraiz Shamsi, left, reacts after his side's loss against India in the final cricket match of the ICC Men's T20 World Cup at Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados, on Saturday.

Ricardo Mazalan / AP



South Africa's Tabraiz Shamsi, left, reacts after his side's loss against India in the final cricket match of the ICC Men's T20 World Cup at Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados, on Saturday.

When South Africa went into bat, the team looked strong: they had made 147 runs in 15 overs, thanks in part to Heinrich Klaasen. But as soon as he got out, the team started to falter: Marco Jansen scored just two runs before Indian pacer Jasprit Bumrah bowled a ball that resulted in an out.

Bumrah bagged the Player of the Tournament title thanks to his hard-to-hit bowling style.

David Miller scored 21 runs for the South African team in 17 balls, but in the last over of the innings, a stunning catch by India's Suryakumar Yadav took Miller out of the game and the remaining South African batsman could not score the runs of remaining necessary to win. In the end, the South African team was just seven runs behind.

This was South Africa's first time playing in the final of an international cricket competition.

Annoyed, said South Africa captain Aiden Markram. It hurts a little, but I'm so proud. We never got comfortable, things happened quickly at the end, but we put ourselves in a great position to prove we were worthy finalists.

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