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Weather forces plan changes for the final day of the Rochester International Jazz Festival

Weather forces plan changes for the final day of the Rochester International Jazz Festival


ROCHESTER, NY (WROC) After a late start, Saturday marked the end of the 21st edition of the Rochester International Jazz Festival. Thousands of musicians turn Gibbs Street into Jazz Street.

The wet weather has brought some changes to the schedule for the final day of the Rochester International Jazz Festival.

It was a late start as the organizers observed the weather and made the necessary changes and cancellations to the acts scheduled to be played. But those who traveled to hear some music still plan to make the most of it.

Nine days of jazz took over Jazz Street in Rochester. From Grammy Award-winning artists from Samara Joy, to Shelia E, to bands originating right here at home, there was something for everyone.

On Saturday, Brubeck Brothers quickly moved to a 200-capacity venue for 900 people due to flooding in the original venue. And with this change, no place was empty.

“We see people from all over the country. Yesterday we had people from as far away as Quebec, Canada, Ohio, all over western New York,” said Capri Wine Bar and Restaurant co-owner Tatyana Qadiri. “Sure sunny days bring more traffic, but the rain also helps because everyone loves to be inside!

These changes do not affect the excitement that music fans are maintaining.

Joe and Jennie Cali travel from Buffalo every year for the festival. Although the weather makes some last-minute changes to their itinerary, they say they're making the most of the later start.

They were just doing it. You know. We were wondering if we should come down here, but decided to do it and make the best of it

And they have some action at the top of their minds to capture.

Definitely The Meters, and hopefully the Brubett Brothers, Joe said.

Those who helped put this nine-day musical piece together. Here's what they had to say about this year's turnout and who brought the biggest crowd.

“The vibrancy and energy of our community and people coming from outside our community to discover what Rochester is really like,” said executive director Mark Iacona. “The music during these nine days is really what brings people together.”

“Laufey on Wednesday night, the new TikTok star sold out in 15 minutes in December with 5,000 people on the waiting list. She is a young superstar. We didn't know when we booked it, but there you go. Rochester came out and it's great,” said co-producer John Nugent.

Organizers note that what the festival brings to the city is business for nearby restaurants.

Capri Wine Bar and Restaurant live in the area where hundreds of thousands walk to the party. The owners say Jazz Fest week keeps them busy.

Even small businesses had their chance to thrive. Christina Baker with Neens McQueens says selling out at the Jazz Festival this weekend was an opportunity she'll never forget.

“The involvement that's been here has been amazing for the City is amazing,” Baker said. “For vendors like myself who are new to the festival, to be able to come here and make these connections, meet new people and see old friends. Music has brought everyone together.”

Organizers say they are wasting no time and are already talking about next year's festival. No official name has been announced yet a little early for this one. But they say plans have already begun. The countdown begins…




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