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Kuwaiti authorities increase repression against government critics: Amnesty International – JURIST

Kuwaiti authorities increase repression against government critics: Amnesty International – JURIST


Kuwaiti authorities have stepped up their crackdown on government critics in 2024, according to a new report REPORT published by Amnesty International on Thursday.

The report found that the authorities have engaged in various forms of repressive acts since January, including the arbitrary arrest and removal of Kuwaiti citizenship from civilians, as well as the prosecution of Kuwaiti politicians.

Amnesty International Kuwait Researcher Devin Kenney DECLARING:

The Kuwaiti authorities must immediately put an end to this chilling wave of repression. No one should face prosecution or imprisonment simply for criticizing the government. The authorities should immediately release all those arrested solely for the peaceful exercise of their human rights and drop the charges against them.

The report found that authorities have sentenced at least three individuals to prison this year for “publicly expressing their views and opinions”. Kuwaiti authorities alleged that those three individuals, Anwar Hayati, Mohammad al-Bagash and Abdullah Fairouz, insulted or criticized the emir or the royal family. The men were sentenced separately to between three and five years in prison.

Amnesty International also reported that at least nine men and their families have been denaturalized, with their Kuwaiti citizenships stripped for no apparent reason. Kenney emphasized the importance of respecting the right to citizenship in these cases, stating, “Kuwaiti authorities continue to treat nationality as a privilege that they grant or deny to Kuwaitis arbitrarily based on their political opinions.”

Kuwaiti officials this year have also begun prosecuting politicians accused of criticizing the country's government. Amnesty International claimed that “prosecutions for political speech” violate freedom of expression under international standards, such as International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The increase in repressive actions by the authorities has coincided with Emir Mishal Al-Sabah's decision to dissolve the country's parliament last month. The emir also suspended constitutional provisions requiring an elected legislature, with the executive cabinet said to be supposing some of the powers of the parliament. The suspension is set to last up to four years and came just a month after the country held its national parliamentary elections.

This is not the first time that a Kuwaiti emir has dissolved the country's parliament. In 2016, Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah similarly issued a decree to dissolve the legislative body, citing “growing security challenges as well as volatile regional developments”.

According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), some of the provisions of Kuwait's penal code, along with cybercrime law, criminalize speech that is “deemed insulting to religion, emir or foreign leaders”. Over the last decade, Kuwait has used such laws for it implement strikes against the government critics and disagreement. Amnesty International found that the country has “significantly restricted the extent of public freedoms” during that time, making it “more dangerous for Kuwaitis and others living there who seek to exercise their human rights to dissent and protest”. .




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