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Hurricane Beryl has weakened to a Category 3 stormExBulletin

Hurricane Beryl has weakened to a Category 3 stormExBulletin


A man walks past boarded-up shop windows ahead of the arrival of Hurricane Beryl in Bridgetown, Barbados, on Sunday.

A man walks past boarded-up shop windows ahead of the arrival of Hurricane Beryl in Bridgetown, Barbados, on Sunday.

Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images

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Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images

Hurricane Beryl weakened slightly to a Category 3 early Monday, the National Hurricane Center said, as the storm churned toward the Windward Islands in the southeastern Caribbean.

Beryl was carrying wind speeds of about 120 mph, said NHC. Advisories were in effect for Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada and Tobago. A “life-threatening” storm is expected to raise water levels by 6 to 9 metres.

“Fluctuations in strength are possible over the next day, but Beryl is expected to remain a dangerous major hurricane as its core moves across the Windward Islands in the eastern Caribbean,” the NHC said.

On Sunday, Beryl was downgraded to an “extremely dangerous Category 4 hurricane,” the National Hurricane Center saidmaking it the first Atlantic hurricane to reach Category 4 strength in June.

The upgraded status came just hours before Beryl was expected to make landfall in several Caribbean countries on Monday morning.

Previously, the record for earliest Atlantic hurricane in a calendar year was held by Hurricane Dennis on July 8, 2005, Colorado State University meteorologist Phil Klotzbach said. in a post on X.

The reality is we have to be ready, Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Amor Mottley said in a statement Friday. She urged residents to stock up on medications and have vital identification documents that may be needed in case there is a reason to evacuate.

By late Sunday afternoon, Beryl had stayed to the max winds of 130 miles per hour and some even stronger gusts as it moved toward the Windward Islands. Category 4 hurricanes, which have maximum sustained winds between 130-156 mph, can cause catastrophic damage, the National Hurricane Center said said.

Three to 6 inches of rain is expected in Barbados and the Windward Islands, and Beryl could cause potentially catastrophic damage from strong winds. Forecasters say the major hurricane could also produce a life-threatening storm surge of up to 6 to 9 feet above normal tide levels.

Beryl is a historic storm

A forecast shows the likely path of the storm's center.

A forecast shows the likely path of the storm's center.

National Hurricane Center

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National Hurricane Center

A named storm this far east is unusual for June, John Cangialosi, a forecaster with the National Hurricane Center, said. wrote in an advisory on Friday. “There have been only a few storms in history that have formed over the central or eastern tropical Atlantic early in the year,” he wrote.

Beryl is the third earliest Major Atlantic hurricane recorded after Alma (1966) and Audrey (1957).

The storm is also notable for how quickly it has intensified. Beryl went from a tropical depression to a major hurricane in just 39 hours. Sam Lillo, a weather researcher with the DTN forecast group, said in a tweet This has only been done 6 other times in Atlantic hurricane history. And the earliest date previously reached was September 1.

Beryl strengthening, location and forecast track are more indicative of storms in late August or September rather than June.

Beryl is only the second named storm in what was predicted to be an extremely busy hurricane season this year. Earlier in June, Tropical Storm Alberto led to flash flooding in parts of southern Texas and northeastern Mexico, and was responsible for four deaths in the region. according to Associated Press.

Atlantic Ocean temperatures have been at record highs for about a year, and this extra heat fuels hurricanes and can lead to heavier rains and flooding. While climate scientists expected the oceans to warm, temperatures have been even hotter than expected last year.

The Atlantic supposedly hurricane season see the most activity in mid-August, although hurricane season begins on June 1. However, in a report released last month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted that this year's hurricane season would be above average, with 17 to 25 storms, eight to 13 hurricanes and four to seven major hurricanes of Category 3 or higher.

The past is not necessarily prologue when it comes to future hurricanes, NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad told reporters when the report was released in May. The key this year, as every year, is to prepare and stay prepared.

Beryllium is intensified by warmer ocean temperatures in the deep Atlantic. NOAA reports that the ocean's heat content is the highest on record for this time of year. Normally, El Nio atmospheric oscillations would help suppress hurricane activity, but this pattern is diminishing, which will most likely create an atmosphere suitable for the formation of storms like Beryl.

Places on the path of Beryls prepare for impact

Saint Lucia was establishing a national shutdown starting at 8:30 p.m. Sunday night, officials announced. Authorities asked anyone on the island to stay indoors, away from glass windows and doors, and to refrain from entering the ocean.

Please take all precautions to ensure your safety and protect your property, Office of the Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre said in a statement.

Saint Lucias Hewanorra International Airport and George FL Charles Airport were suspending operations on Sunday evening.

Grantley Adams International Airport in Christ Church, Barbados, was also closing, officials said announced.

There was an emergency shelter there openingand businesses in Barbados were asked to close by 7 p.m

Prime Minister of Grenada Dickon Mitchell DECLARING a state of emergency for Grenada, as well as Carriacou and Petite Martinique, for at least a week starting Sunday evening.




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