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RIMPAC 2024 Launches in Hawaii > United States Navy > News

RIMPAC 2024 Launches in Hawaii > United States Navy > News


Approximately 29 nations, 40 surface ships, three submarines, 14 national land forces, over 150 aircraft and more than 25,000 personnel will train and operate in and around the Hawaiian Islands during the exercise, which runs through August 1. RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity by fostering and supporting collaborative relationships among critical participants to ensure the safety of sea lanes and security in the world's oceans.

“Exercise Rim of the Pacific has grown over the years to be the largest and largest opportunity in the world for joint combined naval training,” said Vice Adm. John Wade, commander, commander of U.S. Third Fleet and Commander of Combined Task Force RIMPAC 2024 (CTF). “The goal of the exercise is to build relationships, enhance interoperability and capability, and ultimately contribute to peace and stability in the vitally important Indo-Pacific region.”

The theme of RIMPAC 2024 is “Partners: Integrated and Prepared”.

For the first time in RIMPAC history, a member of the Chilean Navy, Commodore Alberto Guerrero, will serve as the CTF's deputy commander. Rear Admiral Kazushi Yokota of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force will serve as vice commander. Other key leaders of the multinational force will include Commodore Kristjan Monaghan of the Royal Canadian Navy, who will command the naval component, and Air Commodore Louise DesJardins of the Royal Australian Air Force, who will command the air component.

This year's RIMPAC will host the largest humanitarian relief and disaster relief exercise with eight countries, five ships, five landing craft, five aircraft, multiple ground forces and over 2,500 total participants including the nation-wide Emergency Management exercise of Health Care in Hawaii.

During RIMPAC, participating forces integrate and exercise a wide range of capabilities, from disaster relief to maritime security operations and from sea control to complex warfare. The relevant, realistic preparation and training curriculum includes amphibious operations, gunnery, missile, anti-submarine and air defense exercises, as well as military medicine, humanitarian aid, disaster relief, counter-piracy, mine clearance operations, disposal of explosive devices, and diving and rescue operations.

With inclusiveness at its core, RIMPAC fosters multinational cooperation and trust, leverages interoperability, and achieves relevant national objectives to strengthen integrated, prepared coalition partners.

For more RIMPAC 2024 information and updates, visit Any questions or additional questions should be sent to [email protected].




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