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Derbys free children's holiday club program is back for the summer

Derbys free children's holiday club program is back for the summer


Published: July 1, 2024

A guy participating in graffiti with Baby People during HAF

The program has a great range of physical, creative and fun activities for children

Thousands of free club holiday places will be available to children in Derby over the summer thanks to the Derby Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme.

Derby City Council is working in partnership with Community Action Derby to bring the scheme back for the summer holidays.

The HAF program provides activities and food for children aged five to 16 who are eligible for free school meals in conjunction with Derby benefits. Young people can learn new skills while socializing and having fun with their friends. They will also be provided with a healthy meal and given the opportunity to learn about food and healthy eating through food experiences and cooking sessions.

To be able to book a place in a HAF holiday club, parents must have their child's unique code. Parents with eligible children may have already received a code from their school, or will receive one soon. The code will remain valid while the child stays at the same school and places cannot be booked without it.

Holiday clubs offer a wide range of activities across the city. Sports-loving children will be spoiled for choice with sessions including football, cricket, basketball, darts, archery and wrestling. Clubs also encourage kids to stay active in creative ways, including dance, yoga, orienteering and bocce.

Other activities include music making, indoor climbing, drumming lessons or even tackling a challenging escape room!

Derby's HAF scheme has gone from strength to strength since its launch in the city in 2021. This summer, there will be 38 providers offering a range of activities in all wards across the city, including six special educational needs and skills specialists limited (SEND).

Two creative organizations have joined forces to offer specialist sessions for children with SEND. Freedom Foundation and Hubbub Theater will offer four days of fun and friendship in Déda with activities including songwriting, street dancing, singing, physical theater and movement.

Katy Goodwin, program assistant at the Freedom Foundation, said:

As we enter the second year of delivering our SEND Release Club at Déda, we are very excited to be collaborating for the first time with Hubbub Theater Company. We look forward to reconnecting with returning children and welcoming newcomers to SEND Release this summer!

Sharon Buckby, Derby City Council's Director of Learning, Inclusion and Skills, said:

Our holiday clubs have reached thousands of children across the city, making a real difference to them and their families. Not only are there a huge variety of exciting activities to choose from, kids can also enjoy a nutritious meal and learn more about healthy eating.

There are sessions across the city, so check the website to see what's on in your area and use your child's unique code, which their school will provide, to book a place.

The HAF scheme aims to make the positive benefits of holiday clubs available to all those in receipt of free school meals in relation to benefits for at least four hours a day, four days a week for six school holiday weeks of the year.

Families can find out more about HAF by visiting the Derby HAF website, which details their providers and activities. Reservations can be made directly with the providers.




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