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Three things the next government must do to make our schools better for teachers and students

Three things the next government must do to make our schools better for teachers and students


Chief Executive, Vice Chancellor and founder of the National Institute of Teaching and Education (NITE), Professor Geraint Jones, shares his thoughts on how the next government can go about improving schools for teachers and students.

The rationale behind improving schools should not require input. At their heart schools are a foundation of knowledge, ensuring that young people are prepared for future challenges and opportunities. They are that and much more.

Schools are an integral part of social development, encouraging young people to try new things and be innovative, while also bridging the gap between different socio-economic groups and promoting mobility and social justice. They are at the forefront of economic growth, providing the knowledge and experience a skilled workforce requires for the jobs of the future.

Carrying out this vital work are those who stand at the front of the classroom every day and shape the minds of tomorrow. In the UK we are lucky to boast some of the best teachers and students in the world. However, after years of decline, our schools and education system must improve quickly under the next government to ensure we do not start to fall behind our peers.

Recruitment and retention

We are currently demanding a lot from our teachers and need to find solutions to reduce their contact time in front of classes. This starts with recruiting more teachers, but we can and must go further. Teachers are burning out and the expectation to teach 22-23 hours a week is just too much. When you consider planning, marking, extracurricular activities, paperwork, and pastoral responsibilities, is it any wonder that so many of our teachers are burned out?

We need to make the job more attractive, so more people are encouraged to teach and less want to leave the profession. Yes, we need more teachers, but we also need to support the ones we already have. The next government could start by providing them with better training, resources and working conditions to help them do their jobs more effectively and with greater satisfaction.

Radical improvement in the training, resources and authority given to schools and teachers in managing student behavior is also a must. Since reopening after closure, schools are facing an uphill battle as they struggle to deal with extreme student behaviour.

We need higher expectations of behavior in schools, support for school leaders to be allowed to address it through appropriate sanctions of both students and parents, and better training to build an understanding of why the students behave so badly. Teachers are already leaving in their droves and if the next government does not act to ensure schools are supportive and well managed then more will surely follow.

Money is a necessity

Finally, schools are tied for money. Teacher pay remains low, with little money for proper professional development, and school facilities continue to fail across the country.

Until we raise the profile of the profession by properly funding teachers and schools, then it will remain a 'third choice' profession for school leavers. Therefore, strategic financial management and long-term planning are critical. The new government should explore ways to increase the capital budget for schools in sustainable infrastructure and may introduce policies or incentives to support institutions to ensure they remain safe and adequately funded.

Schools are fundamental to the development of individuals and society but, in the current climate, it can sometimes seem as if this has been forgotten. Whatever their political persuasion, the next government must address these challenges to ensure the future success of UK schools.

Find out more about NITE.




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