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2024 Leadership Updates at the International Institute

2024 Leadership Updates at the International Institute


The University of Michigan International Institute, along with its 16 centers and programs, is pleased to announce new leadership appointments for 2024. We welcome new directors and those who will lead our various initiatives.

New appointments of directors (effective July 1, 2024):

Johannes von Moltke, interim director of the International Institute; and Rudolf Arnheim College Professor of German Studies and Film, Television and Media

Jay Crisostomo, interim director of the Center for Middle East and North African Studies; and George G. Cameron Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Civilization and Languages ​​and Civilizations

Madhumita Lahiri, Acting Director of the Center for South Asian Studies; and assistant professor of English language and literature

Joseph Lam, acting director of the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies; and professor of musicology

Mike McGovern, director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies; and professor of anthropology

Denise Saint Arnault, director of the Center for Japanese Studies; and professor of health behavior and biological sciences

Continuing directors:

Omolade Adunbi, director of the Center for African Studies; and professor of African American and African studies, anthropology and law (courtesy)

Gavin Arnall, director of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies; and associate professor of Romance languages ​​and literature

Gottfried Hagen, director of the Center for Armenian Studies; and professor of Turkish

Aliyah Khan, director of the Global Center for Islamic Studies; and associate professor of English/African American and African studies

Elizabeth J. King, director of the Center for Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies; and associate professor of health behavior and health education

Steven Ratner, director of the Donia Center for Human Rights; and Bruno Simma Collegiate Professor of Law

Youngju Ryu, director of the Nam Center for Korean Studies; and professor of Asian languages ​​and cultures

Dan Slater, director of the Center for Democracy in Development; and James Orin Murfin Professor of Political Science

Melanie Schulze Tanielian, director of the Program in International and Comparative Studies; and associate professor of history

Genevive Zubrzycki, director of the Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia; director of the Copernicus Center for Polish Studies; Weiser Family Professor of European and Eurasian Studies; and William H. Sewell Jr. Collegiate Professor of Sociology


Contact: Raquel Buckley ([email protected]) | Rachel Brichta ([email protected])




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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