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Election Day Guide – South Tyneside Council

Election Day Guide – South Tyneside Council


Voters in South Tyneside are encouraged to make sure they are ready to cast their ballots on election day, including the need to have photo ID at the polling stations.

South Tyneside residents will go to the polls this week (Thursday 4 July) to elect MPs for the South Shields and Jarrow and Gateshead East parliamentary constituencies.

Citizens are urged to complete and return their postal ballots as soon as possible.

Those who do not have a postal vote can find where to go to cast their vote on polling day on their polling card. It is important that voters check the information as their polling station may have changed since the last election.

Residents are reminded to bring photo ID to the polling stations. Those who have applied but have not yet received their Certificate of Voter Authority can contact the Council's elections team at 0191 427 7000 for a temporary certificate of the electoral authority.

Anyone who has lost their photo ID can apply for an emergency proxy vote. This will allow someone they trust to vote on their behalf at a polling station. However, the trustee will need to obtain their photo ID. Visit Electoral Commission: Apply to vote by proxy for more information.

What voters should know before Election Day:

Vote on time:

  • Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 4 July (voters must be registered or have applied to be registered to vote by 18 April in order to vote that day).
  • Voters will be given a ballot paper. Voters can vote for a candidate on the ballot.
  • Voting cards have been sent to the addresses of registered voters. The cards give details of the location of their polling station. Voters can only vote at the polling station specified on their voting card.
  • Have your photo ID ready to take to the polling station. Voters can use expired identification as long as the photo still looks like them.
  • Plan when to cast your votes and leave plenty of time before the 10pm deadline. Those queuing at 22:00 will be able to vote, but those arriving at their polling station after 22:00 will lose the opportunity to participate.

Voting by mail:

  • Make sure postal votes are returned by 10pm on Thursday 4 July.
  • Those who did not have time to post it before polling day can hand it in at any polling station in South Tyneside.
  • Those who submit postal ballots at a polling center will need to complete a postal ballot return form and are limited by law to submitting their own ballots, plus the votes of up to five other people, for the election. Political activists cannot afford postal votes for other voters who are not close relatives, or someone for whom they provide regular care.
  • Postal votes submitted without a completed form, exceeding the legal limit or arriving after 10pm on July 4 will not be counted.

Voting by proxy:

  • For those who have appointed a proxy, they must ensure that the proxy is able to vote at the polling station on their behalf.
  • Proxy voters must bring their photo ID with them to the polling station.

What to take:

  • Your photo ID. Staff will check identification before issuing a ballot. Make sure you get the original identification and the photo is a good likeness to avoid rejection. Those who have recently changed their name and the name on your voting card is different from their identification are required to obtain a copy of the name change document, such as a marriage certificate or survey.
  • Voters who cannot find the photo ID they intended to use on polling day, or have a medical emergency, or their occupation, service or employment means they cannot go to the polling station and they become aware of this fact only after 17:00 on Wednesday, June 26. June may have the right to appoint an emergency representative.
  • Voters can apply for an emergency proxy until 17:00 on polling day. Contact the Tyneside South Council Elections team directly (0191) 424 7230.
  • Voters can request that their identification be verified privately. Privacy screens will be available at each station for this purpose. A mirror will be provided for voters to reapply a face covering if required.
  • Voters can take their polling card to show polling station staff on arrival. Staff will ask voters to confirm their name and address. Those who do not have their voting card with them can give polling station workers their name and address to check if they are on the electoral register.

Social media:

  • Social media is a great way to let friends and family know they voted and encourage them to do the same. Use Twitter, Facebook and any other social media accounts to help get the message out there.
  • Remember, photos of voters before they enter or leave the polling station are fine to use in social media posts, but posting photos taken inside the polling station may be against the law.

How to fill out the ballot:

  • Staff at the polling station will provide a ballot with a list of candidates for whom voters can vote.
  • Staff will be on hand at the polling station to provide advice and readable guides will also be available to explain the voting process.
  • Voters with disabilities may request assistance from the Presiding Officer and may mark the ballot if necessary; or ask someone else over the age of 18 to help (eg a relative, friend or support worker).
  • Visually impaired voters may request a large copy of the ballot; a braille voting device that allows them to vote themselves in secret; an audio device containing a recording of the candidate's names and description listed on the ballots; a magnifying glass, or they can use a magnifying app on their mobile phone. Additional lighting will be provided in an accessible voting booth.
  • Take the ballot to a polling booth so no one can see the vote. Read the ballot carefully for instructions on how to vote.
  • Mark the ballot according to the instructions. Do not write anything else on the paper or the vote may not be counted. Voters can use a pen or pencil, whichever they prefer.
  • Don't worry if a mistake is made on the ballot. If voters make their intent clear, it will count. As long as the paper has not been inserted into the ballot box, polling station staff can issue a replacement ballot if necessary.
  • Fold the completed ballot in half and insert it into the ballot box, and that's it!

For more information about South Tyneside elections, visit South Tyneside Council's website at or call South Tyneside Council's Elections Team on (0191) 424 7230.

Further details about the voting process are available at

A short video about in-person voting is available to watch on the Council's YouTube channel here: Elections – Voting at a polling station.




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