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The re-election of the president of the ICC Court and the new composition of the ICC Court – ICC was announced

The re-election of the president of the ICC Court and the new composition of the ICC Court – ICC was announced


Ms Salomon, who made history in 2021 as the first woman President of the ICC Court, was re-elected after an influential first term marked by significant achievements and an expanding global footprint.

I am deeply honored to be reappointed as the President of the ICC Court. I am proud of the significant steps we have taken to expand our global reach and provide the highest level of service, focused on the evolving needs of parties. I look forward to building on this momentum, working with members of the Court from around the world to continue our gold standard of dispute prevention and resolution services.

Mrs. Salomon

For the mandate that runs from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027, the new Court consists of the president, 19 vice presidents and 170 members from 119 countries. Seven new vice-presidents and 121 new members were appointed. The new members represent 84 countries, including 12 previously unrepresented jurisdictions: Angola, Azerbaijan, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Kyrgyzstan, Macau, Moldova, Oman, Uganda, Uruguay and Zambia.

No fewer than 16 of the incoming members and vice-chairs were representatives of the ICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF), highlighting the ICC YAAF community as an effective springboard for a career in arbitration.

Members of the ICC Court are appointed by the ICC World Council, on the recommendation of local ICC offices known as national committees and groups, or on the proposal of the President of the Court. The Council includes representatives from the global business community (national committees and direct members) who meet annually.

With efforts focused on ensuring generational, gender and geographic diversity within its membership, appointments to the ICC Court include 35 members and vice-presidents from Africa, 61 from Asia-Pacific, 22 from the Middle East, 62 from Europe, 26 from the Americas Latin and eight from Anglo-America. Women represent approximately 51% of the Court, with 97 female and 94 male members. This milestone underscores the ICC's commitment to fostering a diverse and representative body that reflects the global business community it serves.

The seven new vice presidents are:

  • Isaiah Bozimo (Nigeria/United Kingdom), Partner at Broderick Bozimo and Company, Abuja
  • Julie Bdard (Canada/France), Partner and Head of Skaddens International Litigation and Arbitration Group for the Americas
  • Stavros Brekoulakis (Greece), Michael & Laura Hwang Professor in International Arbitration at the National University of Singapore; Referee at 3 Verulam Buildings (Grays Inn) London
  • Valeria Galndez (Brazil/Argentina), Partner at Galndez Arb in São Paulo
  • Carmen Martinez Lopez (Spain/UK), Partner at Three Crowns in Madrid
  • May Tai (Malaysia), independent arbitrator and consultant with Herbert Smith Freehills in Hong Kong
  • Marieke van Hooijdonk (Netherlands), partner at A&O Shearman

The President and 19 vice-presidents of the Court make up the Bureau.

See the full list of members of the ICC Court.




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