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Marines implement new QR code system to report barracks problems

Marines implement new QR code system to report barracks problems


The Marines have gone digital with how jarheads can report barracks maintenance issues.

Full implementation of QSR Max simplifies the process for Marines to submit maintenance requests directly to the USMC Max system, according to a Tuesday's press release.

The system uses QR codes posted in their barracks that can be scanned with mobile devices on site.

Users can also track the status of their maintenance support requests as the request moves through the system, according to the release. Requests go directly to the barracks and building managers and then on to the installation.

Marines can also use QSR Max Web page by creating a password-protected online account. first reported on the announcement.

Navy leadership came under fire earlier in 2024 after online posts showed dirt, vermin, mold and a variety of maintenance problems at various Navy barracks across the force.

Senior Navy officials acknowledged in congressional testimony that the service had reached a multi-year backlog in maintenance and repairs due to underfunding of barracks that used the money to buy and develop weapons and combat capabilities.

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Eric Smith went so far as to say he would not apologize for past neglect of the barracks, saying prioritizing weapons systems, training and technology as the service fought wars in Iraq and Afghanistan saved lives. .

And that focus kept a lot of Marines alive in Helmand province, kept a lot of Marines alive in Iraq, in the Sunni Triangle, Smith said at the Modern Marine conference in May.

The Corps completed a wall-to-wall inspection of all its barracks before 2024 and rolled out its “Barracks 2030” initiative to consolidate barracks, build new facilities where needed and catch the bulk of maintenance, new furniture and to add civilian personnel to manage the buildings instead of relying on Navy NCOs.

How QSR Max works:

  • The Navy identifies a problem.
  • Marina scans the QR code on QSR Max and creates an account if not already created.
  • The Marine creates a facility maintenance request within QSR Max, followed by creation of a USMCmax service request if approved.
  • The request is received and addressed within the QSR Max portal by the assigned barracks manager.
  • The barracks manager determines the level of support needed to address the request and updates the request in the system.
  • If necessary, the request goes to the base through a work order request.
  • Once the maintenance request is completed, the assigned agency reports it complete in the QSR Max system.

Source: Marine Corps

During congressional budget hearings in the spring, the Marines requested $274 million for fiscal year 2025 to begin tackling barracks restoration.

Analysis by the service showed it would need to spend as much as $1.5 billion annually to restore and modernize its barracks to bring them into the good/fair condition category, according to an internal memo obtained by the Marines. Corps Times in January.

Maintenance support, according to the Navy Department budget, is $15.8 billion.

About 87,000 Marines live in barracks. As of 2023, about 17,000 Marines were living in barracks that did not meet military standards for privacy and room configuration, according to a September 2023 Government Accountability Office report.

These figures do not include an account of Marines living with maintenance problems such as mold or insufficient hot water.

Of the 658th Corps' barracks buildings, about 17% are in poor or failing condition, according to research published in the Marine Corps Journal in February.

Todd South has written about crime, courts, government and the military for numerous publications since 2004 and was named a 2014 Pulitzer finalist for a co-authored project on witness intimidation. Todd is a Marine veteran of the Iraq War.




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